Monday, March 29, 2021

Reflections on the Beach: The Selfish Seagull


Reflections on the Beach

Week Nine

The Selfish Seagull

Focus Text: Philippians 2

Bible Reading: Galatians 1-Ephesians 1

      One of my favorite Disney/Pixar movies is Finding Nemo.  Finding Nemo premiered in 2003 and remains the best-selling DVD in history.  The movie follows the undersea exploits of a clownfish named Marlin who is frantically trying to recover his son named Nemo who was taken by a human diver.  Along the way, Marlin meets a well-intended, though absent-minded fish named Dory.  Together they team up to take on the whole ocean.  Sharks, mines, scary fish with flashlights on their heads, jellyfish, the East Australian Current, nor whales can stop them from completing their epic journey.  One of their greatest enemies in the movie were seagulls squawking "MINE, MINE, MINE" while trying to eat them.  Seagulls are notoriously selfish.  All you have to do is throw a french fry onto the beach and they will practically fight to the death over it.  Each beachgoer has encountered the displeasure of sneaky seagulls encroaching on their beach blankets.

     Seagulls are rats with wings.  Their number one priority is themselves.  Tragically we as Christians battle with selfishness from time to time.  We like the attention and the priority to be upon ourselves.  I can honestly say that as an only child I struggle with being selfish from time to time, putting other people as more important than me.  It is our nature from birth to demand our own way.  Picture a baby.  A baby's primary concern is them.  We are 'inbred' to be selfish due to our sinful nature.   We find Paul tackling this exact issue in Philippians 2:2-3.  Paul challenges the believer to put on the mind of Christ and the mind of Christ was that of selflessness.  We can be reminded of Jesus' own words when  He said "I came not to be served but to serve and to give my life ransom for many."  Paul exhorts us to do NOTHING from selfishness.  He doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation.  We can't afford to be self-centered.  As Christ-followers we cannot desire to have the spotlight on us.  The seagulls in Finding Nemo said "MINE, MINE, MINE."  Tragically we emulate that in our lives from time to time. Instead, we should be saying "others, others, others" or better yet "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."  When we focus our eyes off ourselves and onto Christ we will quickly notice the needs of broken people.  With the eyes of Christ, we will be burdened for less of us, more of Him.  

Reflection on the Road:

How selfless are you?  Do you listen to other people?  Do you try to help them?  Do you value other people?  Can you work with others or do you always need things to go your way?  This week's challenge is to extend your hand with selfless acts of love and grace.  Look for other people to prioritize in your life, but make Christ the main priority.  

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