Monday, March 15, 2021

Reflections on the Beach: Sin Burn


Reflections on the Beach

Week Eight

Sin Burn

Focus Passage: Psalm 51

Bible Reading: 2nd Corinthians 7-13

      There are so many wonderful things that can happen on a vacation at the beach.  You share great memories like burying dad in the sand, building sandcastles, going for a stroll on the boardwalk, eating yummy food (Thrasher's  French Fries namely), playing games at the arcade, and stopping by your favorite local shops.  Almost nothing can ruin a vacation to the beach....that is until you suffer through the effects of sunburn.  Each of you reading this have been there, done that, and probably didn't learn your lesson.  The pain of a sunburn is constantIt hurts to wear a shirt, to lay a blanket over your body, every move you make is literally agony.  The worst thing is that you typically get burned on your back which is the one place you need help from someone to apply aloe to soothe you.  I am one of those people that doesn't tan, I burn.  I go straight from pale white to bright red.  I hate sunburn.  I bring the strongest SPF spray they make, I wear a hat, and of late I wear a t-shirt to avoid sunburn.

      Too much exposure to the sun does damage.  Likewise, too much exposure to sin in the life of the Christian does spiritual damage to our life.  We know that the ultimate damage done by sin is death (Romans 6:23) but we also know that we have been given eternal life as a free gift through Jesus Christ our Lord.  As Christians we no longer fear the ultimate damage, suffering in hell, but that does not mean that we receive a sin freely card at salvation.  We are saved by grace through faith but that does not excuse us from not displaying the fruits of a changed and new life.  While we will not be perfect on this side of heaven we also should strive to be Christlike.  Each Christian will battle sin, we will lose, and we will fail miserably.  Our text for today showcases how David dealt with sin exposure.  He was broken, hurt, shattered, and without excuse.  David's lone hope was by repenting and confessing his sin.  Though we are saved we will still deal with the effects of sin in our life.  The longer we dabble in sin the more normal that lifestyle becomes to us.  We start to quench and grieve the Holy SpiritBut please know that God does not allow us to sin cheaply or without ramifications.  The longer you remain in sin the worse the damage will be.  Maybe one of you reading this have been feeding out of the pigpen of sin for too long.  The Master calls you to His table to dine.  Repent, turn from your sin, and run to Jesus.  

Reflections on the Road:

      We live in a world of cause and effect.  We do something and there will be an effect.  It would only make sense that this scientific law would trickle down to our spiritual life too.  What effects are you currently experiencing from unrepentant sin?  The lone means to be 'healed' from too much sin exposure is to agree with David's broken heart "Against you, You only, I have sinned...create in me a clean heart O' God."  Admit your guilt and failure to the Lord.  He is gracious and merciful.

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