Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Churches in Missions: March Update


Churches In Missions  P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

Our faithful friends,

      The months of January and February are highlights in our home.  Our three children celebrate their birthdays within fifty days of one another.  This year Titus turned five, Noah turned nine, and Maggie just turned seven.  As parents we are constantly amazed at how quickly time has passed.  They are growing so quickly.  The sand in the hour glass is constantly running out in our lives and the seconds that pass are never able to return.  Watching our children’s rapid growth reminds me of how little time we have on earth to serve Jesus and make a Gospel impact.  Of late we have felt the urgency of making Jesus known with what little time we have and pray that you would feel the same pressing need.

      The past month has been incredibly fruitful.  Matt continues to be part time at Hagerstown Bible Church aiding them as their
transitional pastor.  He has the thrill of working with their leadership as they navigate God’s direction for HBC.  While at HBC, Matt and a missionary from Guinea West Africa have started an evangelism class for the teenagers.  Each Wednesday they get to challenge over forty teenagers on the why’s and how’s of practical evangelism.  Matt has also joined a Bible institute in Greencastle, PA to teach personal evangelism. The institute focuses on training men to be pastors and laymen to serve.  He has sixteen students each Tuesday.  This group is hungry to share Jesus and build Christ honoring relationships that lead to redemption.

      Our family had the privilege of presenting the mission and speaking two Sundays at Berean Bible Fellowship in State Line, PA.  We have also shared at multiple different chapels for elementary students.  Matt has continued to meet with multiple pastors.  God has faithfully been filling out our future ministry calendar.  We will be speaking at Hilltop Christian Fellowship, Paw Paw Bible Church, Genesis Fellowship, Grace Bible Church for a Good Friday service, and multiple other chapels.  Matt is also scheduled to go to a training seminar on teacher training/evangelism in May.  God has blessed us with two VBS’s this summer, three camps, and so far one mission’s trip to Kentucky.

      We did want to invite you to team up with us for a special mission.  One of the churches that we minister to in Jackson Kentucky has recently suffered through severe flooding.  Jackson is in the third poorest county in the United States.  This area is devastated by drug use, broken homes, and abject poverty.  Hundreds of families that were already suffering have been dealt another piece of discouragement.  This was an area already struggling to meet their most basic of needs.  The mission is burdened to be the hands and the feet of Jesus in this community.  We want to help with physical needs like clothing and food, construction teams to help people put their lives back together, to sit with people and cry, to play with kids that have lost their homes, to come alongside them and let them know that they are not alone, but most of all to let them know that even in the midst of this that Jesus loves them.  We will keep you updated as we finalize these ministry details but, in the meantime, please be praying.

      Thank you again for your incredible faithfulness to our family.  We are blessed by you.  We still offer you an invitation to join our work.  We would love to have you be a part of our team!

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via      

Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

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