Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Reflections on the Beach: The Lifeguard


Reflections on the Beach

Week Ten

The Lifeguard

Focus Text: Matthew 14:22-33

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2-Philippians 1

      There are certain mainstays that are at every beach.  Most beaches have the boardwalk, quaint shops, more pizza places than you can count, sand and surf, boats roaring in the water, seashells littering the shoreline, etc.  There is one constant at the beach that we take for granted until we hear them blow a loud shrill from their whistle.  The mainstay is the lifeguard.  We have seen lifeguards before sitting in their tall white chairs, overseeing the scene before them.  Typically they are clad in some kind of red swimwear.  The lifeguards at the beach are considered the best trained.  They see and experience situations that other lifeguards will never endure.  Usually, the lifeguard doesn't have to do much more than just watch.  But I'm sure that there has been a time when we were visiting the beach when the lifeguard sprang to action, diving into the ocean making all efforts to rescue someone.

      Traditionally my family and I visit the beach in the off-season because it's cheaper.  One of the downsides of visiting the beach during that time is that there typically isn't a lifeguard on duty.  They will have a sign that says 'swim at your own risk.There is a certain danger to diving into the water when the lifeguard's eyes are not there.  As a Christian, we have a lifeguard, a rescuer.  A lifeguard who never knows an off-season, a savior who never takes His eyes off our lives.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Jesus entered into this sin-cursed world and threw Himself headfirst into the currents of an evil world.  He fought against the strong currents of sin and temptation and came forth victorious.  His victory did not come at a discount price, it cost Him His very own life.  Imagine for a moment if a lifeguard enters the water to save someone from danger and dies in the act of rescue.  He would be lauded, praised, and memorialized.  Jesus did so much more for us.  He entered the current of sin, laid down His life as a sacrifice, and rose victoriously from the grave granting us salvation and hope.  Our lifeguard is not overcome by the waves of sin....remember our lifeguard walks on water.  He isn't just a lifeguard, He is a life Saver.  

Reflections on the Road:

This week take time to recount again your salvation story.  Remember when you were tossed about with the waves of sin and despair.  Remember your hopeless estate.  But also rejoice knowing that in the face of your doom a lifeguard named Jesus plunged in to rescue you.  May your reflection this week be filled with abundant praise and celebration.

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