Friday, April 9, 2021

Churches in Missions: April Update


Churches In Missions  P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

Our faithful friends,

      Happy belated Easter friends!  I pray that your hearts were filled with celebration as you worshipped a Risen Savior.  This Easter was very memorable.  Matt had six different speaking occasions during the week of Easter.  One service was at Grace Bible Church in Greencastle PA.  Matt shared on how Christ was delivered into the hands of a sovereign God, to deliver us as sinners, so in turn we would share the message of deliverance with others. During Easter we usually ask the question ‘are we saved’, but for the believers we need to ask, ‘what have we done for Jesus’.  In dark days we need to take advantage of every opportunity to redeem the time.

     The last few months of mission’s work have been so incredible.  Matt has continued teaching two evangelism classes each week and meeting with many pastors.  Many of these pastors are struggling through various different issues, namely discouragement.  These godly men want to see their sheep return back to the church and need someone to help shoulder the burden of ministry.  Matt has had the joy of loving these men as they traverse some very difficult days. He also remains in transitional leadership at Hagerstown Bible Church as they continue to seek for a new senior pastor.  We ask that you would keep praying that God would send a pastor not only to this church, but for countless other churches who are patiently waiting for the right man to arrive.

      One of the highlights of our month was traveling to Paw Paw Bible Church to present the mission.  Matt helped lead a team there in 2017.  This small church has a big heart for missions.  They are deeply burdened to see others come to know Christ.  After church our family shared a meal with the pastor’s family.  It was a multiple hour lunch filled with prayer, laughter, and encouragement.  Earlier in March we ministered at Hilltop Christian Fellowship in Clear Spring.  This church is also looking for a pastor.  Fellow missionaries with CiM will be serving as transitional leaders.  Our CiM staff will help fill their calendar with quality speaking and leadership along with leading a trip to Kentucky in August.

       Our biggest praise has been your outpouring of support for the work in Kentucky.  We have received A LOT of supplies and financial donations.  We are planning on traveling down April 22nd to drop off the first load.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for being the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray for safety as we travel and that we would develop good Gospel connections in Kentucky. 

       We also wanted to share with you some really EXCITING news.  We are SO close to our support level in order to start leading teams and drawing salary!!!  In the last few weeks we have had two churches join us.  God has literally added nearly 20% since the start of the year!  We would love to have you join our team as we climb over the last few hurdles.  Keep those prayers coming as our ministry calendar remains full for the next few months.  We will be sharing with Genesis Fellowship, Hilltop Christian Fellowship, and prepping for an extremely busy summer.  


Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via      

Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

Hilltop Christian Fellowship

Paw Paw Bible Church

Some food donated for Kentucky

Maggie and Noah with their speech meet ribbons

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