Now you might be asking “Don’t you
know it’s Easter season, why are you talking about a Christmas story?” The reason why is because Scrooge had a
chance to look back at the past, to see the results of
his past decisions. There have been
times in my life when I looked at the past.
I’m sure that we have all done that from time to time. Sometimes we look back wondering what life
would be like if something didn’t happen, what if we didn’t make that mistake
or committed this act or said that word. What if I would have taken this job or moved
to this place or married that person or went to this college or majored in
Life is filled with lots of ifs, but let me throw a curve
ball at you, probably the biggest “if” statement in the history of man, what if
Jesus didn’t rise from the grave. What would this world be like? What would we be like? The Apostle Paul uses this argument in 1st Corinthians 15:13-19
by asking multiple different if statements.
We are going to take the next two posts to address the "what if's" of this powerful chapter.
The first what-if statement that I want to look at is in verse fourteen, which reads "And if Christ has not been raised then is our preaching in vain, and your faith is in vain." Hone in on that phrase "Your faith is in vain." The idea behind vain means empty, devoid, blank, or to be

Our faith is also built on sound doctrine and reliable Bible teaching. I love doctrine. I'm an armchair theologian but all my theology and doctrine is empty unless Christ is risen from the dead. You can almost imagine a spiderweb. All our doctrine springs forth from the center, the center being Christ's resurrection.
The second what-if statement that I want to look at is in verse seventeen which says "You are STILL in your sins." I remember quite a few years ago I had the joy of paying my car off. I had been paying $293.13 a month for sixty months. Back then they used to give you payment booklets with stubs that you would tear out to pay. Looking at those sixty payments was overwhelming, but the day finally came when I could write my last check to pay the debt. I walked into that bank like I was Mr. Rockefeller. My debt was paid in full. Most of us battle with financial debt, but everyone battles spiritual debt. Every man woman and child who was ever born is declared by God as a sinner (Romans 3:23), except for Jesus Christ. Our sin creates an immeasurable and unpayable debt between us and God. No good works, morality, religion, ethics, or giving can pay off one sin in your staggering debt against God. That is why God sent Christ to die on the cross for you. That is why Christ declared with His dying breath on the cross "it is finished." The idea behind the phrase "it is finished" means to pay a debt totally. Jesus is declaring that in His last earthly moments that the mission was accomplished, that His blood would pay the FULL and TOTAL price for our overwhelming sin debt. Jesus left nothing undone for the forgiveness of our sins. But if Christ merely died and did not rise from the dead then all that He said was for naught, it wasn't finished unless He rose on the third day. We are still yet in our sins and worse than that, we can do NOTHING. But we can rejoice to know that our sin has been removed as far as the East is from the West because Christ did indeed rise from the dead!
For the reader maybe you fall into this category of still being in your sin. How is that possible? It is possible because you have not placed faith in Jesus alone to pay the full price for your sin. Acts 16:31 says that if we believe on the Lord Jesus that we will be saved (debt paid in full). We remain in our sin debt as long as we reject Christ as our Savior. You either have placed faith in Jesus' finished work and you are saved or you haven't. There is no middle ground, no gray area. Which is it for you?
Our final "what if" statement to look at can be found in verse nineteen which says if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. The term "miserable" can be a little misleading. The term leans more toward meaning "pitiable." Why in the world would we as Christians be the most pitiable of all people if Christ did not rise from the dead? The reason why is because our living hope is not just invested in the here and now, but in the eternal. If Christ has not risen from the dead we are still in our sin, and because we are still in our sin we are still destined for an eternity in hell. As a Christian, we have a confident assurance that Jesus died and rose again. Because of that, we have the calm assurance that we will spend eternity with Him in heaven. Without Christ's resurrection, all our hope is in vain and our eternity is in serious jeopardy. The reality is simply this, every one of us is going to die. The question is not whether we will die, the question is where we will go when we die. The Bible does not give a lot of options for life after death, it's either life in heaven with God or eternity in hell. There is no choice C. We should be pitied because everything we believe in would be a lie, our hope would be built on sinking sand, and when we die we will go into an eternity in hell. That is the greatest pity in all the world.
But the what-if statements fall away in the undeniable reality of Christ's resurrection. Since Christ shows indisputable evidence of His resurrection we can rest that our faith is not vain...but full. Since Christ lives we can know we have an anchor for our souls and that our sin is indeed forgiven. And since the Scripture tells us "Why search for the living among the dead, HE IS NOT HERE" we move from being the most pitied of all people to being the most envied of all people. So what about you? Have you trusted in Christ? There is still time, but less of it with each passing second. Come to Him, He loves you, and He lives!
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