Thursday, April 9, 2020

Good Intentions Devotional

Day Two

Good Intentions Devotional

FOCUS VERSE: Psalm 1:1-2
Bible Reading: Matthew chapters 8-14

     About a year ago I determined that I had to lose some weight. Needless to say, some of my suit pants were getting a little too snug, and many of them were in need of being retired! I said to myself “I’m going to go on a walk each day.” Well, I admit that my intentions were good, but I never actually started to make walking a part of my daily schedule.  The quarantine didn't help either. My body type changed to be more like Thor on Avengers Endgame (if you don’t know this reference you should lol).

      There is an old quote that goes “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Most of us have good intentions. We want to better ourselves by exercising, reading more books, being a better parent/spouse, and the list could go on and on forever. Sometimes we go as far as buying cookbooks, buying a gym membership, and making plans. We do the same thing with spiritual matters. Most people intend on starting to come to Church, read their Bibles, pray, or “get right with God” but many of those people never follow through. The Psalmist today talks about his daily walk. Notice the Psalmist didn’t intend to live the blessed life by writing “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!” but instead he made it a part of his daily practice. Each morning we wake up and face a battle with sin and temptation. There is spiritual warfare at every corner. It seems before your feet can even hit the floor the enemy is already there taunting you. What can we as Christians do to combat such a battle? We, first of all, have to determine to make Christ number one in our life, secondly, we need to start to practice godliness in our life. The desire of you the reader should be to not walk in the way of the ungodly but instead your desire should be to walk with God. But how can we walk with God? The Psalmist tells us in verse two “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.” Part of your walk is staying devoted to spending time in God’s Word. Your walk with God is affected by the time you spend in God’s Word. If we want to be people that seek after God’s own heart, it needs to start not with good intentions, but with action.

Reflections on the Road:

Where could you improve in your daily walk with God? How has the current situation affected your “good intentions” with the Lord?

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