Friday, April 3, 2020

Reflections on the road week one

Reflections on the Road
Week One

Panting After the Word

FOCUS VERSE: Psalm 42:1-2
Bible Reading: Matthew chapters 1-7

There is an old story of a solider whose plane went down in the desert.  He only had one small canteen of water and in order to survive he had to ration it out.  A few days later a rescue crew found him and he was nearly dead.  The first thing he asked for was a cold drink of water!
Now, I’ve been thirsty but never to the point of life and death.  We get thirsty after working a long day out in the sun from mowing grass, or working on our car, or maybe just from playing with our child or grandchild outside.  Thirst is natural….thirst implies that a need has to be met.
But there is another thirst that I think is just as important as our physical thirst, it is a thirst for the Word of God.  Each Christian should have a yearning to spend some time in God’s Word, or as the Psalmist says “as the hart (deer) panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee o’ God.”  When was the last time that we can honestly say that we really “thirsted” for God and His Word.  Sadly a lot of Christians treat God’s Word like the solider did in the desert…we think we have to ration it out, but instead God wants us to have it in abundance.  You don’t have to “ration” the Word of God, instead you can drink and feed upon it to your heart’s content.
Over the next few weeks you will be challenged to “thirst for God’s Word.”  Your challenge will include reading the devotional passage for the week, becoming familiar with the key verses, and reading one chapter from the Word of God each day.  Maybe you already do this, which is great, but maybe you’ve never made God’s Word a part of your life.  This is a chance for you to learn how to thirst for more of God’s Word in your life!

Reflections on the Road:

Honestly, between you and God, do you have a special daily time in God’s Word?  If you do then write why, if you don’t write why you don’t but the reason you want to start

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