Friday, April 17, 2020

Reflections on the Road Week Three

Reflections on the  Road

Week Three

Who do we trust?

Focus passage: Psalm 118
Focus verses: Psalm 118:8-9
Bible reading: Matthew chapters 15-21

       There is a story of a pastor who took his son named Zac for a walk out in the country, climbing on some rocks (what little boy doesn't like climbing on rocks).  The pastor heard the voice of his little boy "Hey Dad, catch me!"  As the pastor turned around he saw Zac joyfully jumping off a high rock straight at him.  The pastor said he went into an instant circus act trying to catch his son.  It was pure instincts because he didn't have a chance to prepare himself.  Amazingly the dad caught his son and held him close.  He looked at his little boy and asked "Zac, why in the would you do that?  Give me one good reason why you jumped!"  The little boy responded to his father with total calm "Because you're my dad,  and dads always catch their little boys."  The pastor's son had total trust in his father and because he trusted his dad he could jump knowing that dad was right there.

      Our Psalm today focuses on the realm of trusting God, even in the midst of times of difficulty.  Of late we have been enduring some hardships.  Our life is currently in flux and constant change.  But the one thing that should never change, no matter the circumstances should be our trust in GodWe can trust God in the good, the bad, and even the ugly.  The gauge of God's trustworthiness does not diminish in the face of trails or difficult.  The Psalmist wrote in verse nine that “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”  So often we trust in other things like mankind, money, or material things but none of those things can be trusted.  Money and material things can be lost, mankind is sinful at heart and breaks its promises, but God is totally trustworthy.  God has never failed nor forsaken one person, and that you includes you reading this.  God has never let you down once, despite of the many times that you have let Him down.  I believe that during this trying time that God is winnowing the things that we have trusted in over Him.  This week's challenge is that you will trust God with more of your life.

Reflections on the road

Take a moment and honestly reflect on an area of your life that you are struggling to trust God with.  Maybe it's your finances, your marriage, your job, your friendship, etc.  Write down that one thing and really focus on turning that one area over to God's unfailing trust.

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