Sunday, June 4, 2023

Prepared for Battle: June 4th Devotional

 Prepared for Battle
Genesis Chapter Four
June 4th Devotional

      This day in history marks the first major day of conflict during the Battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway earned its name because it took place on the Midway Aleutian islands, which was a military base located between America and Japan. This WW II battle was fought in the Pacific between the Japanese Imperial Navy and the United States Navy. It took place a mere six months after Pearl Harbor. The goal of the Japanese Navy was to destroy the American naval presence in the area. The American Navy was already reeling from the effects of Pearl Harbor. Pitted against each other was Admiral Isaraku Yamamoto who oversaw the imperial Japanese Navy and Chester Nimitz who oversaw the American naval fleet. Interestingly, overseeing the Japanese aircraft carriers was Admiral Chuchi Nagumo who helped coordinate the attack on Pearl Harbor. The American Navy was prepared for the battle due to breaking the Japanese naval code. They knew when and where the attack was going to take place. On the day of the battle the Japanese Navy greatly outnumbered the American Navy. They had over 300 aircraft, multiple battleships, submarines in the vicinity, and four aircraft carriers. The Japanese Navy boasted an undefeated record for 50 years. All expectations were on the Japanese to win the battle. But due to great preparation and the use of radar on the ground, the American forces were able to defeat the Japanese in a matter of four days. They destroyed all the Japanese aircraft carriers and aircraft that were engaged, and over 3500 Japanese soldiers died. The Battle of Midway is considered the turning point in the Battle of the Pacific. It provided much-needed confidence to the American Navy and started a slow fade of power for the Japanese Imperial Navy

       What gave the Americans the advantage was a warning that the enemy was coming. The Bible warns us about a coming attack from our enemy too. In Genesis chapter 4 two brothers made an offering to God.  One brother, Abel made a right offering to God, while Cain made an offering that was rejected. In turn, Cain was filled with hatred and anger. God came to Cain and said in Genesis 4:7 "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door." Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it. God tells Cain that sin is crouching at the door ready to attack. God gave the warning and Cain refused to hear it. The next day he shed his innocent brother's blood. Cain is not the only person to have sin knocking at the door. Every day sin crouches at the door of our hearts, ready to pounce. Sin doesn't need a big opening in the door. If we give sin an inch it takes a mile. God warned us to be prepared. We become prepared for the attack by being in prayer, reading the Word, and enjoying sweet fellowship with God's people. The warning has been given, get prepared to do battle.

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