Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June Prayer Letter

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions

June 2023

      One of my favorite movie scenes is from the Lord of the Rings adaptation of “The Two Towers.”  In the movie, King Théoden stands in the rain looking at a massive approaching army of Orcs coming to invade Helm’s Deep.  Théoden gazes out and says “So it begins” knowing that the time of battle had come.  Summer ministry feels a lot like that at times.  After months of planning, preparing, and organizing the time has finally come for summer ministry to go into full swing.  We currently have two VBS programs, two camps, assisting at another camp, a mission trip with over thirty people, and multiple speaking opportunities these next few weeks.  We are eagerly waiting to watch God work.

      But before we look into the future, we want to share a few updates about our family.  Our three children recently finished school.  By God’s grace, they all maintained straight A’s and have grown tremendouslyBelieve it or not, Noah will be going to Middle School next year!  We love that our children minister with us, but we also try to plan fun activities for them too.  They are taking swimming lessons this summer, and Noah is participating in a local play in Martinsburg.  We also recently returned from a nice refreshing vacation with Tiffanie’s family!  It definitely energized us for the next few busy weeks!

    We are currently at Cove Valley Youth Camp speaking at Independent Bible Church’s young adult conference.  Matt is speaking on the subject matter of satisfaction.  The goal is to challenge the young adults to strive for the perfect things that God promises us instead of settling for the temporal trifles of the world.  God has blessed us with over 50 people in attendance.  Pray that the words that are sown will be taken into their hearts and used for the glory of God.

Our next two major summer ministries will be vacation Bible school at Pond Bank and Chambersburg Bible.  This summer’s theme is Truassic Park.  We will be taking a look at what the Bible says about creation.  There will be lots of fun, adventure, dinosaurs, skits, songs, snacks, etc.  Our kids are excited to lead worship and be major characters in the skits.  Pray during the weeks of June 18th and 25th as countless children will have the opportunity to clearly hear the Gospel.  Pray especially for salvation decisions.  After that Matt will be doing Gospel magic tricks for a Brethren in Christ church in Williamsport MD.  This church is currently facing a difficult time after their pastor had a fall and broke a majority of the bones in his lower body.  Naturally, the church is hurting.  Pray that this outreach event will not only be a blessing to the little ears listening, but also to the adults.  This doesn’t even touch on the plans for our trip and camps!

     My family and I can’t express how grateful we are for each of your prayers and financial support.  We have been trying to grow our support this year and we are in awe of your faithful partnership.  We see God’s faithfulness through you.  If you are interested in having us come and share please reach out to us.  Our calendar is rapidly filling up.

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

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Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

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