Saturday, July 8, 2023

A Healthy Sweet: July 9th Devotional

A Healthy Sweet
Psalm 119:103
July 9th Devotional

      Warning; today's day in history will make you hungry and is not supported by any major donut corporation :-) Today's date in history is extremely sweet   :-) It doesn't matter if you are dizzy for Dunkin, crazy for Krispy Kreme, craving Krumpies, or hankering for Home Run we can all agree that donuts have a place not just in our hearts but also in our stomachs. On this day in 1872, John Blondel of Thomastown Maine received a patent for a donut-cutting machine. The spring-loaded device was used to punch out the center hole of the donut. It served as a hole punch for donuts. Donuts were probably introduced to the colonies by the Dutch but they did not receive their now common round shape until the 1840s. While Blondel didn't invent the donut his ingenious invention would dramatically increase the production of this tasty food and much to our delight also increase their consumption.  Who doesn't love a donut? They have captivated our culture and have become a staple in our diet.  Estimates show that Americans eat around 10 billion donuts a year, or about 63 donuts per person, per year!

      While donuts are fantastically delicious they are also extremely bad for our diets. Most things that are sweet or taste good are not particularly good for us. But the Bible speaks about something sweeter than anything else and should be part of our daily consumption. This extremely sweet thing is also beneficial for our life and can be consumed without any negative consequences. Psalm 119:103 says "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" The word of God is sweet to our taste because it provides us with the words of life and direction. It is inspired by God and meant to be read and applied daily. The word of God is not something that we merely carry around, allowing it to collect bulletins from church on Sunday, or collect dust in our home. The word of God, like donuts, is sweetest when ingested. No one enjoys going to Krispy Kreme and watching the donuts made without eating them, nor should we as Christians be content having the word without reading it.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Our Spiritual Superstore: July 2nd Devotional

Our Spiritual Superstore

Philippians 4:19

July 2nd Devotional

      On this day in 1962, Samuel Walton opened his first Walmart store in Rogers Arkansas. Walton was born in 1918 in Kingfisher Oklahoma. Samuel's family were farmers in his youth but due to the difficulty of the great depression and the dust bowl his father was forced to work for farming mortgage and insurance companies. Walton learned the value of work at a young age. Due to the severe suffering of the great depression, Walton would work long hours at a variety of different jobs each day to help his family make ends meet. During his youth, he also became the youngest eagle scout in the state. Walton would later work his way through college at the University of Missouri. Walton excelled both academically and personally. His degree was in economics and he would manage his first store at the age of 26. He would quadruple the value of this store by providing cheaper products and keeping the store shelves stocked. He continued to develop fantastic marketing ability and was extremely competitive with other businesses. He would open up multiple different five-and-dime stores, one of them being in Bentonville Arkansas where the corporate office of Walmart is today. He also owned multiple different Ben Franklin stores. His greatest success though would be Walmart. Originally the Walmart corporate design was to provide American-made products at a cheap price to compete with a foreign market. At one time Samuel Walton was the world's wealthiest man. Over time, Walmart has become the biggest private employer in the world. there are nearly 5,000 Walmarts in the United States, over 11,000 in the world, and over 2.2 million employees.

      Walmart today is known as a One-Stop shop where you can purchase anything you need in one store. Walmart revolutionized the shopping experience by creating super stores that provided a mass variety of different products. It seems that Walmart can provide everything that you need. The Bible speaks about somebody who provides for all of our needs. Paul writes in Philippians 4:19 "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Jesus is literally our spiritual superstore who we can come to about any matter, any time, anywhere. Philippians 4:19 is a promise from God that he will supply for us, that he will take care of us. He does this through the immeasurable riches of his son Jesus Christ. The immeasurable riches do not necessarily refer to the physical but to the spiritual. God takes care of his own in incredible and often jaw-dropping ways. Reflect at this moment on how God has provided for you.

Friday, June 23, 2023

It's a Colorful World: June 25th Devotional

It's a Colorful World
Revelation 21:18-21
June 25th Devotional

      On this day in 1951, the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) showcased the first-ever color tv program. The irony was that it went unnoticed since most people did not have color television at that time. The program was called "Premiere" and featured multiple stars in the entertainment industry. It aired in only five major cities, starting at 4:35 PM, and ran until 5:34 PM. In the year 1950, there was a mad rush between CBS and RCA to create the first-ever color tv. Both sides worked tirelessly to claim the crown of being the first. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) tested both versions and found that CBS's television was superior but multiple problems quickly arose. The first problem was that manufacturers did not want to produce the tv because of the cost to make. The profit margin was minimal and most companies felt that the average person would not spend such an exorbitant price. A color tv was considered an unnecessary luxury. Despite the superior design the tv still would flicker and the final straw was that it was not compatible with black and white tv's. Despite all of this CBS pressed forward with what they called "Operation Rainbow" where they blanketed department stores and storefronts all across the United States. RCA studied CBS's struggle and started to recreate a new design, one that would work with a black and white tv and would be cheaper. By the end of 1953, RCA won the color tv war, far outpacing CBS's model.

      Color television changed the entertainment industry. Each of you reading this probably have multiple different televisions in your home that you spend countless hours in front of each week. People were dazzled to see bright vibrant colors coming through instead of the plain gray, black, and white tones. The human eye can see millions of distinguishable colors but even then we cannot process all colors on the spectrum. The Bible speaks about a place filled with the most amazing colors. Revelation 21:18-21 says " The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. 21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. These beautiful colored stones are inlaid into the walls and as the glory of God shines through the walls it will create the most perfect scene, a huge stained glass effect. The city is called New Jerusalem and it is a gorgeous city for God's people. Unlike the color tv show "Premiere" which was only available to a scant few people the offer to abide in this city is for all people who believe in Jesus Christ.  Have you trusted in Christ as your own personal Savior?

Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Fruitful Father's Day

A Fruitful
 Father's Day

    Wednesday came as any normal Wednesday, a day busy with planning and study, a day in which starts with the best of intentions to knock off most of the checklist only to find the checklist growing as the day goes on. One of my greatest realizations as a pastor is that being organized is important, and a schedule is a must, but be prepared to change your schedule at any given notice. Wednesdays are usually very different though, people respect the fact that I have to study and prepare for the evening lesson, so Wednesday's schedule is fairly set in stone. That is until this past Wednesday; I received a phone call early in the morning from my dad's place of employment. My dad calls pretty often to check up on the baby to see how he is doing, to hear him laugh, etc. Dad asked about the baby and then asked me about my plans for the afternoon. Naturally, I thought that maybe he and my step-mom wanted to come down and have dinner or a late lunch, but instead, Dad simply told me that he was taking off to pick cherries, but only if I was able to come along. My mind raced. I will be completely honest, my dad and I at times have had a very strained relationship, we have gone months without talking (both our faults), and it seemed that during my teenage years, my dad and I distanced ourselves from one another. There was always love there, but that great friendship that existed between a father and son had cooled and became nearly frigid at times. I think this is the case with many father and son relationships, we as men are tough as nails, and non-emotional (or at least that is how we are programmed to be). My dad and I are closer now than ever before, and I credit much of this to me growing up and doing "adult things" like having a house and garden, being married, having a child, etc. Dad and I have a lot more in common, we talk flowers and vegetables, we talk sports and construction projects, and even the best methods to grill, but I honestly couldn't remember a time when Dad and I did something alone like pick cherries, it must have been years, maybe even little league age. I looked at my calendar and what needed to get done that afternoon and I almost told Dad "I'm too busy" but instead I shut the calendar, said this can wait and told my dad that I would be thrilled to go and pick cherries with him. I was honored that my dad would take off work early to spend time with me, just me (not the baby included). Now that might not sound like much to some reading this, but just "male bonding" time with my dad was something foreign, something that was needed. Dad came by around one and we headed to an orchard in our era named Orr's (I highly suggest this orchard). 

     As we drove we talked about life, houses, bills, fruits, trees, etc. We arrived at the orchard and started to pick strawberries and then a tractor picked us up and took us out into the cherry orchard to pick cherries. Together we picked somewhere around thirty pounds of cherries, but something greater than cherries was achieved that day, a bond was fortified. I looked at my father with the greatest of admiration, sadly something that I have failed to do through most of my young life. I always looked at the traits of my dad that I didn't want, but now I notice the traits that I want in my life, and the shock to me is that many of the traits that I want to strive for were at one point and time the traits in which I never wanted! I can honestly say that in that cherry orchard on Wednesday that my dad and I renewed a relationship that hadn't grown the way it should have or at least the way it was intended to grow in Christ. Tears almost came to my eyes as I sat at home and dwelt on it afterward, making me regretful for the hateful things that I said to my dad in my younger fury, for the months of silence, for the lack of respect that I paid unto him. Now I wasn't a horrible son, a matter of fact if you ask my dad he will tell you that I never gave him trouble, but I know in the depths of my heart that I caused that man pain, heartache, and confusion.......but isn't that the case of a man. A man's duty seems to be that of bearing the full weight of the world and yet never showing it, never shedding a tear in front of the public eye, never flinching or showing worry. A man simply says "Everything is ok" when in the depths of his heart he knows it isn't. It is his duty to be the knight in shining armor for his family, it is his duty to protect the family name and the integrity of the family unit. These are all duties of fatherhood that I never fully grasped until holding my little boy. I look deep into Noah's eyes and I see a handsome boy, I see my son. Yes, he does give Tiffanie and I a hard time on occasion, but I look past that and I say he causes me no trouble. The work of a man is a thankless job, a matter of fact a job in which we receive more flack than respect!

     To be a father is to be many things, things like a coach, a hard worker, a provider, a runner, and a fixer of all different things, you have to throw a ball, shot some hoops, you have to give sound advice on subjects that you feel uncomfortable with, and most of all you are called as a dad to be the spiritual leader of your household. What a burden to bear! Personally being a father is one of the greatest tasks God has ever given, but it also bears a tremendous amount of responsibility and a task that can only rely upon the Lord for understanding and wisdom. Fatherhood is the greatest blessing, but it can also cause us the greatest heartache! God also tells us as a father what we need to be doing, Paul in Ephesians 6:4 tells us to raise our children in the fear, training, and admonition of the Lord, WHAT A HEAVY BURDEN TO BEAR! We as dads are called to raise our children in a God-honoring way, without excuse! If God was so gracious to give unto you an heritage (child), then the least we can do is to properly raise that child, to train them up in the way they should go! Proverbs teaches us that if we raise our children properly that they will be life unto us, but beloved if we do not raise our children correctly then we are bound to fail and instead of life being passed down unto them we only pass to them death! Moses was told by God while wandering these words

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

~ Deut. 6:4-9

     Fathers, let me encourage you, be obedient unto the Lord, and teach your children diligently out of God's Word. Teach them how they should live and to whom they are under authority. Use your life as a shining example unto them. Continue to hold fast to the Words of the Bible, be faithful to your Church, support your pastor, pray often, and let your child "catch you" praying or reading the Word! But beyond this, make time for your child, no matter how old they might be. Who knows, a trip to the cherry orchard might change your entire perspective on your father/son relationship!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Finding Victory in Defeat: June 18th Devotional

Finding Victory in Defeat

Psalm 37:23-24

June 18th Devotional

      On this day in 1985, the New York Knicks picked Patrick Ewing as the number one pick in the NBA draft. The 1985 draft was the first of its kind, created to prevent teams from tanking to get the best draft pick (ironically teams still do the same thing today). The Knicks pick at number one was mired in controversy because David Stern the NBA general manager was an adamant New York Knicks fan. Many people felt that the envelope with the Knicks logo inside was marked in a way that Stern would pick it. Either way, the pick of Patrick Ewing changed the future of the New York Knicks for the next 15 years. Ewing was born in Kingston Jamaica and attended college for Georgetown, where three out of the four years he led the hoyas to the NCAA championship game, winning the national title in 1984 against Villanova, the final score being 66 to 64. Patrick Ewing stunned audiences in Madison square garden during his rookie year with his incredible talent and authority in the paint, winning the NBA Rookie of the Year award. His looming seven-foot stature was an incredible force of nature. Patrick would play seventeen years in the NBA, fifteen for the Knicks, one for the SuperSonics, and one for the Orlando Magic. His most notable years were spent with the Knicks where they were constantly a playoff team. He was an 11-time All-Star and a two-time gold medalist. Ewing's career was always overshadowed by the greatness of Michael Jordan, but the Knicks were able to play in two championships while Ewing was with them. In 1994 they lost a 7-game series against the Houston Rockets and then again in 1999 losing in a 5-game series to the San Antonio Spurs. Patrick Ewing was most recently the coach of the Georgetown Hoyas.

      Despite Patrick Ewing's great talent, he was never able to bring a championship to Madison Square Gardens. Everyone that has ever played a game or a sport loves the taste of victory but despises the pain of losing. More often than not we will lose more than win, and that applies spiritually too. We will endure hardships and battle temptation, and we will not always find ourselves on the winning end. We will have fought and resisted and yet found ourselves in defeat. But as Christians, we cannot allow our defeats to define us. Psalm 37:23-24 says “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." The psalmist makes it clear that we will indeed stumble, we will indeed fail, but God is faithful and is bigger than our failures. We will not fall because God holds us up with his hand. When we find ourselves on the losing end let us not linger in our defeat but let us learn lessons in our defeat so that we would find victory in the Lord the next time. You will win, you will lose, but God is everlasting in his faithfulness and his love for you changes not.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June Prayer Letter

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions

June 2023

      One of my favorite movie scenes is from the Lord of the Rings adaptation of “The Two Towers.”  In the movie, King Théoden stands in the rain looking at a massive approaching army of Orcs coming to invade Helm’s Deep.  Théoden gazes out and says “So it begins” knowing that the time of battle had come.  Summer ministry feels a lot like that at times.  After months of planning, preparing, and organizing the time has finally come for summer ministry to go into full swing.  We currently have two VBS programs, two camps, assisting at another camp, a mission trip with over thirty people, and multiple speaking opportunities these next few weeks.  We are eagerly waiting to watch God work.

      But before we look into the future, we want to share a few updates about our family.  Our three children recently finished school.  By God’s grace, they all maintained straight A’s and have grown tremendouslyBelieve it or not, Noah will be going to Middle School next year!  We love that our children minister with us, but we also try to plan fun activities for them too.  They are taking swimming lessons this summer, and Noah is participating in a local play in Martinsburg.  We also recently returned from a nice refreshing vacation with Tiffanie’s family!  It definitely energized us for the next few busy weeks!

    We are currently at Cove Valley Youth Camp speaking at Independent Bible Church’s young adult conference.  Matt is speaking on the subject matter of satisfaction.  The goal is to challenge the young adults to strive for the perfect things that God promises us instead of settling for the temporal trifles of the world.  God has blessed us with over 50 people in attendance.  Pray that the words that are sown will be taken into their hearts and used for the glory of God.

Our next two major summer ministries will be vacation Bible school at Pond Bank and Chambersburg Bible.  This summer’s theme is Truassic Park.  We will be taking a look at what the Bible says about creation.  There will be lots of fun, adventure, dinosaurs, skits, songs, snacks, etc.  Our kids are excited to lead worship and be major characters in the skits.  Pray during the weeks of June 18th and 25th as countless children will have the opportunity to clearly hear the Gospel.  Pray especially for salvation decisions.  After that Matt will be doing Gospel magic tricks for a Brethren in Christ church in Williamsport MD.  This church is currently facing a difficult time after their pastor had a fall and broke a majority of the bones in his lower body.  Naturally, the church is hurting.  Pray that this outreach event will not only be a blessing to the little ears listening, but also to the adults.  This doesn’t even touch on the plans for our trip and camps!

     My family and I can’t express how grateful we are for each of your prayers and financial support.  We have been trying to grow our support this year and we are in awe of your faithful partnership.  We see God’s faithfulness through you.  If you are interested in having us come and share please reach out to us.  Our calendar is rapidly filling up.

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via      

Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

Friday, June 9, 2023

The Comeback Kid: June 11th Devotional

The Comeback Kid

Matthew 28

June 11th Devotional

      On this day in 1956 the football legend Joe Montana was born in New Eagle Pennsylvania. His family was of Italian stock and desired to find a way to acclimate to American culture. Joe's father felt the best way to adapt to a new culture was to play sports. Joe played quarterback for the Ringgold Rams and excelled. His play on the field earned him a scholarship to attend Notre Dame University. In 1977 Joe found himself third on the depth chart for quarterback but early in the season, he became the starter and never looked back. Notre Dame won the national college championship that year. Because of his play in the national championship game he was drafted in the third round, 82nd pick of the 1979 season by the San Francisco 49ers. Montana would spend 14 exceptional years for the San Francisco 49ers and would spend the last two for the Kansas City Chiefs. Montana played in 8 pro bowls, was a two-time NFL MVP, four-time super bowl champion, and three-time super bowl MVP, and holds various records still in the NFL. Joe was most noted for his ability to come from behind in the fourth quarter. Montana led 31 4th-quarter comebacks (including playoffs) earning him two iconic nicknames, Joe Cool and The comeback kid. the most famous comeback in Montana's career was in super bowl XXIII. The 49ers were playing an excellent Cincinnati Bengals team. For three quarters Joe Montana played a fantastic game but at the end of the fourth quarter the 49ers were still down 16 to 13. With three minutes and 20 seconds to go in the fourth quarter, starting on their own 8-yard line, Joe Montana surgically let his team 92 yards, completing 8 of his 9 passes. Montana finally connected with John Taylor with 34 seconds remaining in the game, sealing a 20-16 victory.

      Montana was known for bringing victory from the jaws of defeat. When all seemed like it was lost Montana would give his team hope in the most dim of situations. This reminds me of another time when it seemed like all hope was gone. Jesus was crucified on a Friday, laying down his life for the sins of all mankind. Shortly thereafter he was laid in a tomb and that seemed to be the end of the story. His disciples and followers despaired thinking that all was lost. Their countenance had fallen and doubt plagued them mightily. They were ready to raise the white flag. Early on the third morning a group of women went to visit his tomb, and the Earth shook with violence. An Angelic host came and removed the stone. And Matthew chapter 28:5-6 the angel gave the message "But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay." Shortly after Jesus appeared before the women verifying that death could not hold him, that he arose victorious over the grave. Jesus brought forth victory from the jaws of defeat. When all look lost and dark Jesus shed forth hope and light. We can heartily agree with the words of Paul in 1st Corinthians Death is swallowed up in victory.” O death, where is your victory?" Death is defeated because Jesus rose and lives forever.  O death, where is your sting?”

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Prepared for Battle: June 4th Devotional

 Prepared for Battle
Genesis Chapter Four
June 4th Devotional

      This day in history marks the first major day of conflict during the Battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway earned its name because it took place on the Midway Aleutian islands, which was a military base located between America and Japan. This WW II battle was fought in the Pacific between the Japanese Imperial Navy and the United States Navy. It took place a mere six months after Pearl Harbor. The goal of the Japanese Navy was to destroy the American naval presence in the area. The American Navy was already reeling from the effects of Pearl Harbor. Pitted against each other was Admiral Isaraku Yamamoto who oversaw the imperial Japanese Navy and Chester Nimitz who oversaw the American naval fleet. Interestingly, overseeing the Japanese aircraft carriers was Admiral Chuchi Nagumo who helped coordinate the attack on Pearl Harbor. The American Navy was prepared for the battle due to breaking the Japanese naval code. They knew when and where the attack was going to take place. On the day of the battle the Japanese Navy greatly outnumbered the American Navy. They had over 300 aircraft, multiple battleships, submarines in the vicinity, and four aircraft carriers. The Japanese Navy boasted an undefeated record for 50 years. All expectations were on the Japanese to win the battle. But due to great preparation and the use of radar on the ground, the American forces were able to defeat the Japanese in a matter of four days. They destroyed all the Japanese aircraft carriers and aircraft that were engaged, and over 3500 Japanese soldiers died. The Battle of Midway is considered the turning point in the Battle of the Pacific. It provided much-needed confidence to the American Navy and started a slow fade of power for the Japanese Imperial Navy

       What gave the Americans the advantage was a warning that the enemy was coming. The Bible warns us about a coming attack from our enemy too. In Genesis chapter 4 two brothers made an offering to God.  One brother, Abel made a right offering to God, while Cain made an offering that was rejected. In turn, Cain was filled with hatred and anger. God came to Cain and said in Genesis 4:7 "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door." Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it. God tells Cain that sin is crouching at the door ready to attack. God gave the warning and Cain refused to hear it. The next day he shed his innocent brother's blood. Cain is not the only person to have sin knocking at the door. Every day sin crouches at the door of our hearts, ready to pounce. Sin doesn't need a big opening in the door. If we give sin an inch it takes a mile. God warned us to be prepared. We become prepared for the attack by being in prayer, reading the Word, and enjoying sweet fellowship with God's people. The warning has been given, get prepared to do battle.

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Power of Words: May 28th Devotional

The Power of Words
Proverbs 18:21
May 28th Devotional

      Noah Webster was born in 1758, in Hartford Connecticut. His family had a rich pedigree in American history. Noah excelled at learning and entered Yale University at the age of 15. His father mortgaged their home to send him to college. While learning at Yale Noah joined the Connecticut militia. Upon graduation, Noah took the Bar examination and became a lawyer but despised practicing law. He quickly spiraled into a deep depression until he started working in the newspaper industry. He was eventually asked by Alexander Hamilton to be the editor of the Pro Revolutionary newspaper called the Federalist. Webster was an adamant supporter of the revolution. Over time he became an advocate for public education. He became a teacher and eventually printed the Blue Backed Speller which would be the best-selling book used by teachers (selling over 100 million copies). He also served in the Connecticut House of Representatives along with other ventures into printing but his Magnum Opus was the American Dictionary in the English Language. He started the project in 1802 and it took him 26 years to complete. During this time Webster learned over 28 languages. His dictionary had over 70,000 words, 12,000 of which had never been published in a dictionary before. His dictionary was not the first of its kind but was the most complete and scholarly work. Tragically it only sold 2500 copies and he needed to mortgage his home to produce a second edition. Webster struggled financially most of his life and by the end of his life, he was destitute.

      Webster spent his entire life studying the etymology of words, dedicating himself to understanding what they mean. Webster understood the value and power of words, and the Bible speaks about the power of words too. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." You've heard the proverbial phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." That statement is rife with errors on so many different levels. Words do hurt, sometimes more than a physical wound, and take longer to heal. Words that hurt are often spoken by people that we love and care about. The words we speak can either be a construction crew building people up, or a destruction crew, destroying other people. Words have the power of life and death. Examine the words you have spoken so far today, are they construction and life-giving? Or are they destroying and bringing death? Today, purposefully speak words of life to EVERYONE around you, regardless of who they are.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Reflections on the Beach

Week Fourteen

"Packing Light"

Focus Text: Hebrews 12

       So, you’re going on a vacation. Typically, there is a lot of planning that goes into a vacation....and a lot of packing (dun, dun, dun, dramatic effect). Packing. That single word has caused small wars in families. Tense road trips are usually birthed from whose ready and where to put all the stuff. There are two types of people in this world. One group of people pack days before the trip and the other group pack the morning of the trip. Those two very opposite types of people usually marry each other. In our home, I’m typically the early packer. My bag is usually ready about a week before the trip and sitting by the bedroom door, but my wife is the master packer of items in the van. She looks at those odd-shaped items and creates some sort of geometric puzzle that only makes sense to her. Somehow, she can fit a trapezoid-shaped item into a square hole! If you are a family of multiples you know how hard packing back be.  You are packing up your house, especially when the kids are young. You have high chairs, walkers, bumbo seats, bathtubs, and the list could go on and on. It doesn’t take long to figure out if you have overpacked. I’m sure that each of us has overpacked at some point and time in our life. We get one of those hotel luggage carts. Other people stare in amazement as you continue to load what looks like the leaning tower of Pisa. The luggage sways as you push the cart. Occasionally something falls off; a sock here, a pillow there, a binkie for a baby there, etc.


      We need to be mindful of the items that we pack. We should ask “Do I need this?” We need a spiritual packing list too. Oftentimes we carry around unnecessary spiritual baggage. This cumbersome baggage weighs us down, wears us out, and steals our joy. The writer of Hebrews tells us “Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which cling so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hone in on that phrase “lay aside every weight.”  The Greek phrase means to put something off something and it always refers to something that harms our life.   The term never tells us to lay aside beneficial things, only detrimental things. What are some pieces of luggage that the Bible tells us to leave behind?  Things like anger, wrath, hurtful words, impure thoughts, envy, any former work of darkness, and traits of our old person. Read over that list again. What piece are you currently lugging around? What benefit does it bring to you? How is it impeding your walk with Jesus? The closer it clings to us the further we will find ourselves from Jesus.


Reflection on the Road:

Unzip your spiritual suitcase. Look over each internal item and ask “Does God want this in my life?” If the answer is no then ask the Lord to help you to lay it aside and give it up. Walk lighter and with less encumbrance. Pack carefully each day.

The Red Cross: May 21st Devotional

The Red Cross
Hebrews 9:22
May 21st Devotional

      On this day in 1881 Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomon officially founded the Red Cross. Clara Barton stands out as one of the most incredible women in American history. She was born in Oxford Massachusetts. Her family was devoted to the cause of abolitionism. Her love for nursing started at a young age after her brother suffered a head injury. She took care of him for nearly two years. Clara loved learning. She became a teacher at the age of 15 and eventually would become a headmaster of a school. Eventually, she moved to Washington DC and noticed that a makeshift tent was created on the Capital grounds. Her love for nursing came back as she worked tirelessly with the wounded, sick, and depressed. She spent countless hours with the soldiers. She became a devoted advocate for the health of the soldiers demanding that surgeons, nurses, field hospitals, and supplies go along with the army. In 1862 she joined the Union Army on a full-time basis. During the Battle of Antietam, she gained the nickname "the Angel of the Battlefield." She handed out supplies, aided surgeons, and started to make band-aids out of corn husks after the medical supplies started to become scarce. While she was tending to one man a bullet came through the fabric of her dress and killed the soldier she was aiding. She never mended that garment. Barton's service did not end after the civil war. She traveled to Europe and famously started wearing the Red Cross to help during the Franco-Prussian War. By the end of her life, she would help tens of thousands of people.  Today the Red Cross has never 100 million volunteers around the world.  They have been active on the most dangerous of frontlines and are typically some of the first responders.  

      The Red Cross' goal is to aid victims of wars and natural disasters. Today we know the work of the Red Cross mainly through their blood drives. Think of the power of blood. Each human has around 1.5 gallons of blood coursing through their body. Roughly 7% of our body weight is blood! If we start losing blood we die! The incredible thing is that through the shed blood of one man, we are given life. It wasn't so much a blood transfusion as a life transfusion. Jesus shed His blood and gave His life for us. Hebrews 9:22 tells us that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission (forgiveness). Beloved, if Jesus does not shed His blood then we have no spiritual life. Clara Barton started the Red Cross to rescue those that were sick and suffering. Jesus suffered on the cross for those that are spiritually lost and sick to save them from sin. He alone can rescue, He alone can save

Monday, May 15, 2023

May Prayer Letter


“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions

May 2023

      We wanted to provide some exciting news from our most recent trip.  Matt led a team from Boonsboro Bible Church down to Welch in April.  The team consisted of four people but God used those four in a HUGE way!  Never doubt what God can do with smaller groups.  Jesus turned the world upside down with twelve followers.  The team was incredibly hard-working and faithful.  We started with simply running errands and getting ready for the next day.  We packed LOTS of hygiene bags to hand out at our community event on Saturday. We didn’t quite have the turnout that we had hoped for, but we served around 40 people and had a chance to pray with folks on the streets.

      Our team worked closely with the Living Waters Resource Center in Welch WV.  The center’s primary purpose is to provide Christian drug rehab for women.  There was only one lady actively involved in the program when we arrived.  Her name is Margaret.  Margaret had a long history of drug abuse, namely opioids.  She kept telling us that she was ashamed of how she had wasted her life.  The ladies on the trip poured out their love and attention on her.  They provided her with a Bible study focusing on hope.  She was so grateful and texted that she wants the ladies to come back again.  The ladies also led a cooking class for Margaret.  She wanted to learn basic life skills so she could live on her own one day.  She was so proud to make meatballs for the first time.  She couldn’t wait to tell her family that she was officially a ‘chef.’  Our team also worked on mudding walls that were recently dry-walled, reset cement to the fence, and planned future construction jobs to the shower area and a laundry area.

     We also offered a painting class to the community.  We had around 15 people come in to paint, most of them were unsaved and unchurched.  Pastor Allen faithfully led the class.  As we painted butterflies, he talked about how God changes our lives.  The class was extremely fun and I’m not sure if I’ve ever laughed so much in my life.  Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be a professional painter in the future.  This outreach allowed the church to build bridges of relationship to the community

    Our final outreach was to the teachers of Welch Elementary.  The teams prepared a lovely lunch for each teacher along with a goodie bag will with teacher supplies and snacks.  CiM has built a wonderful relationship with the principal, Sarah Diaz.  Sarah is a faithful follower of Jesus who is passionate about giving children hope.  She loves having teams come to the school to reach boys and girls for Jesus, but also to encourage her teachers.  Welch Elementary is one of the poorest schools in West Virginia.  100% of the children receive free breakfast and lunch through the school.  Also, a majority of the children are dramatically behind.  Pray for the school and for other future projects to love the kids and teachers of the community.

     Thank you for partnering with us and loving our family. We are eagerly preparing for VBS, camps, and mission trips this summer.  Pray for energy, good connections, our teams as they prepare, and mostly that people would know Jesus as their Savior too!

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

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Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

Friday, May 12, 2023

Promises to the Dry Bones: May 14th Devotional

Promises to the Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37:11

May 14th Devotional


     The Jews were a people without a nation for nearly two thousand years.  The land known as Palestine was under the control of Britain since WW I and the British government was to relinquish authority over to the Jewish agency. The Jewish people were nearly exterminated under Nazi Germany. It seemed like nothing good could come from the Holocaust, but God works the evil of this world for good. On this day in 1948, in Tel Aviv, the Jewish Agency Chairman named David Ben Gurion (who later would become the first prime minister) declared Israel a free state for the Jewish people. The reaction among the Arab world was quick and harsh. Within minutes Arab armies moved against the nation of Israel. Egypt started an air raid. The cities were told to have a blackout, but that night during the black out the people celebrated. Why? Because on this day in history US President Harry Truman telegraphed to congratulate Ben Gurion.  Only eleven minutes had passed since the official announcement of Israel becoming an official nation.  The United States was the first nation to recognize Israel as a country. This was not an easy decision for Truman to come to. Truman had already been working on reuniting the world after WW II and rebuilding the world economy. Truman faced a battle over the official recognition of the nation of Israel. His predecessor, FDR, was an adamant opponent. His own Secretary of State, General George Marshall strongly withstood him and even threatened to resign, but Truman held firm. Why did Truman go against the opinion of everyone? The reason why was because of a daily prayer he prayed, "Almighty and Everlasting God, help me to be, to think, to act what is right because it is right."  Harry Truman was a passionate Christ follower and understood the promises that God had made to the Jewish people. Truman knew it was the right thing to do and compelled other nations to recognize the nation of Israel.

      Why is this event important in history? This event was a fulfillment of prophecy.  It was a supernatural work done by the hand of God. The Jews had wandered without a home for nearly two thousand years after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Roman Emperor Titus. Many thought that God forgot them, abandoned them, and had broken the promise that He made to Abraham thousands of years earlier. But God always keeps His promise, including the rebirth of the nation of Israel. In Ezekiel 37 God brings Ezekiel to a valley of Dry Bones and asks him to prophesy over them. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army." Life came back into the dead, and sinews formed over dry bones. Some argue who the dry bones are, but God gives us the answer in Ezekiel 37:11 "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel." This day is not just a day in history, but a day in prophetic history. God keeps His promise!  God isn't just a promise maker, but a promise keeper.  Scripture contains countless promises that God makes to us,  each one of them irrevocable.  If God can keep a two-thousand-year promise to the children of Israel then God can also keep His promises to us.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

High Security: May 7th Devotional

High Security
John 10:27-28
May 7th Devotional

      One of the most famous Norwegian painters was a man named Edvard Munch. Edvard was born in 1863, on a small farm, in the country of Norway. He endured a tormented childhood that was filled with countless illnesses and intense loss which resulted in severe mental illnesses that plagued him for the rest of his life. Edvard grew up with a love for art and eventually entered an art and design school. His father disapproved. He felt that art was a pointless profession that only led to poverty. But his talents began to flourish in school. By the time of his death, he would paint over 1700 pictures, 4500 drawings, and nearly 20000 prints. He was also a very talented photographer. Ironically many of his photos were old school selfies of himself (he was way ahead of our current trend). His most famous piece of artwork is called "The Scream." He was inspired while walking one night by a red-tinted sky. He felt that the sky was screaming, thus why he named it "the Scream of Nature." This painting originally sold for nearly $120,00 and then the year 2012 the painting sold for almost 136 million. The painting was displayed in the National Gallery in Oslo. On February 12th, 1994 two burglars broke into the Gallery. It only took 50 seconds for them to successfully steal the painting. They even left a note that said "Thanks for the poor security." An investigation started and ended with LOTS of dead ends. Finally on this day, May 7th, 1994, the painting was recovered in a hotel 40 miles from Oslo.

      The museum had woefully poor security, especially for such a priceless piece of work. If something is valuable, we secure it. The higher the value, the higher security. The thing of highest value to God is us, our souls. It was of such high value that He sent His only begotten Son to depart from heaven to die for our sins. Once we believe in Jesus we are saved, but how secure is our salvation? Is salvation something that can be stolen? The answer the scripture gives is no. Jesus said in John 10:27-28 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." Jesus tells His sheep that they will be held in the most secure place in the entire world, the palm of His hand. He is holding onto us, holding our salvation. To imply that someone could steal our salvation means someone or something is more powerful than God, and nothing is more powerful than God. Today rest in the peace that God holds us tightly and lovingly in His arms. No thief or burglar can break can get through God's security system.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Out of the Heavens: May 5th devotional

Out of the Heavens

John 6:38-40

May 5th Devotional

      The space race of the 1950s was dominated by the Soviets. In 1957 the Soviet government launched the satellite Sputnik into space and in 1961 the Soviets successfully launched Yuri Gagarin into space, making him the first person in space. The Americans quickly found themselves woefully behind the Soviets and felt pressed to respond. The Americans created a team of Astronauts called the Mercury Seven. These seven men were dedicated to going to places where man had not gone before. Two men stood out, John Glenn and Alan Shepard. Shepard performed excellently after over 120 simulated flights and was chosen to lead Project Mercury to go into space. Sadly though the flight endured 5 cancellations and postponements. If the cancellations did not happen Shepard would have been the first man in space. On this day of May 5th, 1961 Shepard sat in his Freedom Seven space capsule. This space capsule was only about twelve feet tall and about six feet wide. This tiny capsule sat atop the Redstone rocket for the countdown. The rocket came to life and shot through the sky. His top altitude was 115 miles above the earth. He didn't manage to get into orbit and his flight was only for fifteen minutes (Gagarin's was over 108 minutes) but it was a success and the first American entered the heavens.

      An earthman entering the heavens was historic, but even more historic was when someone came from heaven to earth. Jesus spoke these iconic words in John 6:38-40 "38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” Jesus said that He came down from heaven. Jesus tells us that His existence did not begin in Bethlehem nor was His birth His start. Jesus makes it clear that He came from heaven. That means before His incarnation Jesus Christ dwelt in perfect union with His Father in heaven. But He left heaven, why? He left heaven because it was the will of God that Jesus came to earth, wear flesh, live among us, and lay down His life as a sacrifice for us (you). The magnitude of His love is seen in His departure from the perfections of heaven to come into a sin-cursed world. He suffered, agonized, and died for you and me. A man going into the heavens is amazing, but Jesus leaving the heavens to come to Earth changes everything

Friday, April 28, 2023

Preparing for the Coming Days: April 30th Devotional


Preparing for the Coming Days
2nd Timothy 3:12
April 30th Devotional

      On this day in 311 Roman Emperor Galerius signed the Edict of Serdica (also known as the Edict of Toleration).  This edict granted liberty to Christianity for the first time and recognized the faith as a legitimate religion in Rome.  This edict was revolutionary regarding how Rome viewed the Church.  Before this, the church was severely persecuted.  Amazingly the church continued to grow despite the harsh treatment that it received.  One church father named Tertullian said that the blood of the martyr is the seed of the church’s growth.  But why was Rome so insistent on causing Christianity pain?  Rome was considered extremely accepting of other religions and they tolerated Christianity as long as it was regarded as a sect of Judaism.  Judaism enjoyed a position of religio licita (a legal religion in Rome) but as the church developed it became glaringly apparent that Christianity was distinct from Judaism.  Christianity would not embrace Rome’s full authority, they did not have many external practices of worship, and would not tolerate the sinful ways of Rome.  The height of oppression was felt under Roman Emperor named Diocletian. Diocletian reigned from 286 to 305 AD. In the year 303 on the feast of Terminalia, Diocletian put forth an edict demanding that churches be burned, Scriptures be burned, confiscation of church and Christian property, arrest, removal of office for Christians in authority, loss of legal rights, and even death. Four edicts would precede from Diocletian, the final one demanding that if a person did not offer sacrifice to the pagan gods then that Christian could be persecuted. The persecution swept through the land for nearly ten years. The suffering did not diminish the church but strengthened it. Rome noticed that their edicts failed to eradicate Christians and the new edict was meant to be a form of compromise. The edict still was harsh in its wording talking; it called Christianity foolish and abandoning reason. Here is an incredible quote from the edict about how the Christians responded to suffering "And yet since most of them persevered in their determination." They persevered.  They were determined that even in the face of loss and suffering they would not abandon their faith.

      The Scriptures tell us that we can expect to suffer persecution (2nd Timothy 3:12).  Most Christians in the West haven’t suffered much, if at all for our faith. Our brothers and sisters around the world languish in daily persecution and yet their faith remains strong.  American Christianity has become comfortable and tragically complacent.  A lack of drastic opposition has lulled us to sleep and inactivity.  The church as a whole is more bothered about politics than people.  We clamor over candidates instead of souls.  The world is literally on a wide road to hell and yet we are like Jonah at the bottom of the ship slumbering.  We need a shipmaster to cry unto us “What meanest thou O’ sleeper?”  Christ tells His church not to be afraid of what they will suffer (Rev. 2:10) because He is with them. The reality is that persecution will grow against the faith in the coming days and years.  God will not allow His church to slumber in a state of laziness because that does not prepare us for the coming days.  It is best NOW to live out your faith while persecution is minimal and it is best now to prepare yourself for coming oppression against your faith by getting into the Word of God, getting into prayer, and getting the Word out to a world that is lost in the darkness. Don't allow the liberty of faith to cause you to be lazy.  Let the world view us like Rome viewed early Christianity, “they persevered in their determination.”