Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Reflections on the Beach: "Are we there yet?"


Reflections on the Beach

Week Twelve

"Are we there yet?"

Focus Text: Titus 2

      Nothing says vacation like a minivan loaded down with luggage and multiple children.  What could go wrong with everyone huddled in our foreign-made minivan with nearly 215,000 miles?  One quintessential part of a family road trip is having at least one child saying "are we there yet?"  Those four words are very contagious because every child buckled up will start asking the question with repeated urgency...almost as if it were a life or death situation.  On one of our most recent trips, our first child popped that dreaded question within the first twenty minutes of our four-hour drive.  One reason they ask that question is because they are tired of being cooped up (I don't blame them) but another reason is that they are excited.  They don't ask 'how much longer until we get to the dentist' or 'are we there yet' about getting a check-up at the doctor.  They genuinely are overwhelmed with anticipation.  

      As a believer, we should have the same kind of excitement and joy as we look forward to heaven.  Paul talks about this excitement when he writes to his young apprentice Titus.  In Titus 2:3 we find Paul writing "Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus."  Looking is in the present tense of the Greek language; that means something we should be habitually doing.  Most believers are not looking for the return of Jesus.  We are so busy with our lives, goals, and agendas that we have precious few moments to think about Jesus at all, let alone His return.  But over and over again the Scripture encourages us to look, frequently and often for the return of Jesus Christ.  Not looking forward to it with dread and fear, but look forward to His return with joy and excitement.  Why do we look for His return, especially since none of us know when He will come back?  We do it because we love Him; because we look forward to being with Him, and because nothing in this world can compare to His glory.  When was the last time you thought about His coming again?  When was the last time you said to yourself "are we there yet?"  We might not be there yet, but today is closer than yesterday.  Don't let time cause your anticipation to diminish but instead with each passing day let the fire of our desire grow more and more.

Reflections on the Road:
Reflect on these lyrics written by Bill and Gloria Gaither.  May they encourage you to keep looking up.

What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

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