Thursday, May 5, 2022

Fake News: May 8th Devotional

Fake News

May 8th Devo

Matthew 28      

      On this day in history, 1884, Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar Missouri. Harry's family were dedicated farmers and livestock dealers. He didn't receive a formal education until he was eight years old. Harry loved to learn history and play the piano. He would often wake at 5 in the morning to start practicing. Harry went to business college to learn how to be a timekeeper for the railroad. During this time he struggled financially and would often sleep in hobo camps near the railroad. He would go on to faithfully serve his country in WW I, in France in the battery/artillery unit. After that Harry skyrocketed through local politics to become a Senator from Missouri. He served in the Senate from 1935 to 1945, which would be one of the most traumatic times in American history. Truman was looked upon favorably by both major parties and would eventually become the third VP for President Franklin Roosevelt. He was sworn in January 1945 little knowing that four months later he would be sworn in as president after the death of FDR. Truman was famous for two major events in history: the first was the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan, and the second was his shocking defeat of NY Governor Thomas Dewey.  The presidential race of 1948 was neck and neck between Truman and Dewey, but many pundits already claimed that Dewey would end up with the victory.  Weeks before the election Truman would go on a “Whistle Stop” tour through America’s towns showcasing that he was the better candidate.  The morning after the election shows Truman holding the front page of the Chicago Tribune paper that falsely said that Dewey defeats Truman. Talk about fake news!

      Fake news has always been a part of not only American history but world history. The greatest piece of fake news came from Jerusalem around 33 AD. Matthew 28 tells us about the resurrection of Jesus. The guards that kept watch over the tomb came and reported to the religious leaders what happened. This news disturbed the religious leaders greatly. The Bible says that the religious leaders commanded the guards "“Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep (Matthew 28:13)." They even paid them for the lie and offered protection. FAKE NEWS! Indeed Jesus did rise from the dead showcasing His wounds to hundreds of people over the course of forty days. If there would have been a newspaper in Christ's time it would have read "Disciples steal Jesus' body" but the truth is "Jesus rose from the dead." He lives! Rejoice in His glorious resurrection.

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