Thursday, June 2, 2022

Reflections on the Beach: Rainy Days

Reflections on the Beach
Week thirteen
"Rainy Days"

Focus Text: Hebrews 13

      Nothing puts a damper on a beach vacation quite like a rainy day.  The family sits in their swim trunks, all lathered up with sunscreen, ready to tackle the sand only to hear the crack of thunder.  The dark clouds roll in and start to pour rain.  The smiles turn upside down.  The rain streaks across the window as the family wonders, what do we do now?  What is plan B?  Is there a plan B?  Do we sit and watch the same tv shows we could watch at home (I'm game for watching the Andy Griffth show anytime)?  Do we play board games?  Do we take a nap?  Do we simply stare at each other?  No matter what, we need to change plans.  

      Life demands that we change plans from time to time.  We don't like it, as a matter of fact, we begrudgingly go along with it out of necessity.  Our world is a fully revolving door of changes.  Nothing typically goes to plan because we can't see what the future will bring.  We don't have a 'crystal ball' to see what will happen tomorrow.  Thankfully in a world full of change, there is a God who never changes.  He remains faithful, His attributes are constant.  Hebrews 13:8 says that "Jesus Christ is the  same yesterday and today and forever."  Why doesn't God have to change?  Why can Jesus stay the same?  The reason why is because God is omniscient, He is all-knowing.  He sees the past, present, and future all with one glimpse of the eye.  While we are scrambling looking for plan B's because the plan A's of our life implode, we can still rest in a soverign God who remains a lone constant.  God's love will not change, His mercy will not change, His tender kindness will not change, His grace will not change, His holiness nor His justice change.

Reflection on the Road:
Maybe you are enduring a time in your life of seemingly unending change.  Maybe it's job, an empty nest, recently losing a spouse, moving, etc.  Your life feels like its in upheaval.  Let your anchor, in the midst of change, be God, who changes not.  May the words of the old hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness encourage your soul:

Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
as thou hast been, thou forever wilt be.

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