Sunday, January 8, 2023

I Am New: January 9th Devotion

 I am New
2nd Corinthians 5:17
January 9th Devotional

     On this day in 2007, Steve Jobs came on stage at the MacWorld Convention to announce his newest project.  Jobs in his traditional blue jeans and black long-sleeve shirt teased the audience that Apple was introducing three new products, when in fact it was only one new product, the iPhone.  The iPhone was in the design phase for years at Apple.  Apple had invented a huge financial success in the iPod but quickly realized that people would tire of carrying the iPod and a phone.  Why not connect the two and make one device?  Apple tried to make a deal with Motorola in order to put iTunes on their device but too many problems arose and it became a flop.  At the same time, Jobs had teams working to get rid of the most awkward part of the computer system, the house.  The goal was to abandon the mouse and create a touchscreen device, which would eventually become the iPad.  Steve Jobs then created a project called “Project Purple.”  Jobs hand-picked his team which he broke into two separate teams.  This team was sworn to secrecy.  As a matter of fact, none of the team members knew what they were going to work on when they were initially assigned the job.  They worked tirelessly for months to create the newest software and technology available at the time.  The phone was revolutionary because it abandoned the keypad that every other device was using at that time.  The iPhone was released in July 2007 and since then has sold over 2.2 billion devices.  In 2019 alone Apple made $142 billion in profit from the iPhone alone.  Jobs said at MacWorld that Apple was going to “Re-invent the Phone” and indeed they did.  It’s almost hard to imagine a world where we did not have touch screens and the ability to be constantly connected.  

      One single invention changed the world in which we live.  Jobs and the Apple company changed something that was old and made it new.  The Bible speaks about someone who comes to change the old things in our lives and to make us new also.  In 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”  Paul talks about the old becoming new, what does he mean by that?  Paul is talking about our lives that are crushed under the weight of our sins.  He is talking about our former passions, priorities, and plans.  Those things are in the past, they are what used to define us, but those things have passed away.  They are in the past, no longer on the horizon.  Paul says that now that ‘new things have come.’  What new things?  Things like eternal life, things like our future planning, goals, aspirations, etc.  We no longer live for the temporal things of this world which are also passing away, but instead, we look forward to the eternal, to that which is greater, and to that which is new.  Paul quantifies this statement by saying that we first must be ‘in Christ.’  We must be saved.  As believers that are in Jesus Christ, we will struggle with the battle between the old man and the new man.  Those previous passions and pursuits will pop up from time to time, but we can rejoice knowing that Christ has made all things new…including us.  Jobs re-invented the phone, Christ re-invented our present and future through His sacrifice.

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