Monday, January 23, 2023

Exercising Godliness: January 23rd Devotional

Exercising Godliness

1st Timothy 4:8

January 23rd Devotional

      On this day in 2011, Jack LaLanne, the famous promoter of healthy living, died at 96. He was born, Francois Henri "Jack" LaLanne, in 1914 in San Francisco. His parents were both French immigrants. Jack's father died while he was young. His dad's premature death was simply attributed to not taking care of himself. Jack followed his father's example, calling himself a sugar addict. Jack was plagued with emotional issues along with poor health. Jack lost one year of schooling due to it. All of that changed at the age of 15. He listened to Paul Bragg, a revolutionary in the nutritional field, speak about diet and exercise. From that day forward Jack totally altered his way of life. Jack would go on to graduate with a Doctorate in the chiropractic field.  In 1936 he opened the first-ever fitness center in Oakland. The concept caught fire as countless others would be built. This revolutionized the fitness world. In 1953 he took his workout routine to television. He gave a fifteen workout lesson on the local news which he paid for with his own money. The show became a hit and became syndicated, coast to coast for thirty-four years, becoming the longest-ever running exercise program. He would go on to write books, produce videos, patent exercise equipment, and create a famous juicer. Jack religiously worked out until the day prior to his death.  

      Jack became the icon of healthy living and an evangelist of nutrition to countless millions of people across generations. Exercise and eating healthy are encouraged in the Bible. Our bodies are considered temples and we should be cautious with what we give them. The apostle Paul wrote in 1st Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things. But exercise does indeed have great profit for us but in comparison to our spiritual condition, it only has a small amount of benefit. No matter how well we take care of our bodies death will come against us. There is no avoiding it. There is no hiding from it. Healthy living might extend our lifespan but not extend our eternity. Paul encourages us to exercise godliness. What does godly exercise look like? Godly exercise is a life committed to prayer, the study of the scripture, serving the lord, and living a triumphant life in Jesus Christ. It entails our discipleship and our voice of evangelism. The exercise of godliness in our life as Christians is more profitable to those that are around us than ourselves. When we exercise godliness to our friends, family, and neighbors they see Christ living in us which in turn draws them to Jesus for eternal life. I encourage you to physically exercise but do not leave the spiritual man in neglect. How have you exercised godliness recently?

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