Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Losing Faith


Losing Faith

      I grew up as an only child in the corn fields of Mercersburg Pennsylvania.  Our neighbors were cows, cows, and yes, more cows.  There wasn't much excitement in our single-stop light town.  Needless to say, there weren't many kids out in our area and as an only child, I created many make-believe friends and pets.  I vividly remember wanting a dog for most of my youth.  I would ask, beg, plead, and might have been tempted to steal but I never got a dog.  I didn't have the pleasure of being a 'dog person' until this past year.  My wife's father died and a part of her heart died with the loss of that incredible man.  Her joy and laughter were diminished a bit.  The night seemed darker at times.  In the Spring of 2021, she suggested we get a puppy.  I was extremely hesitant because we are a family of five that is constantly on the go with missions work, but after a family meeting we all agreed, the time had come to become dog people.  God blessed us with a precious white Bichon-poo named Muffin (I know, an intimidating name for a male dog).  Muffin has enriched our home and brought back to life that which was stagnant.  We are thankful to be dog people.

      One unique feature that changed in my life since becoming a dog dad was noticing other dogs.  I know other people had dogs in the past but they were never on my radar until we had a dog.  Since then dogs magnetically seem to come up to us.  This past week my family was getting in the ministry machine (the name for our sweet minivan) when we noticed a King Charles Spaniel puppy roaming around in a busy parking lot.  As soon as she saw our dog Muffin she came running.  She was a gorgeous and playful pup.  She wanted nothing more than to get belly rubs and to give kisses.  This puppy was an expensive breed and we knew the owner would be looking for it.  We put her in Muffin's cage and off I went walking through the town praying that God would put the owner into my life.  After walking for about twenty minutes I saw a woman frantically calling out "Faith, Faith."  She was obviously looking for something.  A quick conversation confirmed that this was indeed the puppy's owner.  The owner was overjoyed to have 'Faith" back in her arms and we were grateful to have kept Faith safe until she could be returned.

      Driving away I found it ironic that the lost dog's name was Faith....lost faith.  How many people's paths do we cross each day who have lost faith in God?  How many people do we encounter that are struggling with their faith?  How many people are filled with doubts, despair, and questions?  Maybe it's the waitress at the restaurant, the teacher at our kid's school, the cashier, our co-worker, our neighbor,  maybe even the person we sit beside in church, or maybe the reflection in the mirror.  That sweet little puppy was all alone.  I wondered how many people passed by her feeling bad for her but did nothing for her.  I mean, someone must have seen her and said "someone should do something" but kept walking away.  When a person begins to lose their faith they will quickly find that the journey is terribly lonely.  They will pass other people, some even noticing them, but few if any actually engage them.  They are actively departing from the faith.  A faith walk can be hard, especially when we are alone...isolated.  Each of us need someone to walk the faith journey with, especially when doubts arise and the ground is quickly giving way under us.  We need someone to call, someone to encourage us, someone to challenge us.....someone to bring us home.  The sweet puppy named Faith was lost.  Are you losing faith?  Come alongside a trusted Christian and talk with them.  They are there to love you and help you.  Do you know someone losing faith?  Waste no time bringing them home.  Don't look with sympathy, be moved by compassion.  Come beside them and bring faith home.

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