Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Churches in Mission September 2022 Prayer Letter

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

      The warm days of summer are soon going to give way to cooler weather and the changing of the leaves.  One author once wrote that her favorite color was autumn, and I quite agree.  The Bible speaks frequently about the change of seasons.  The change of seasons reminds us of God’s sovereign control (Genesis 8:22).  We change with the seasons.  We go from shorts to hoodies, digging sand to raking leaves, and harvesting produce to canning it.  Our ministry changes from summer to fall.  We look back at God’s faithfulness but we start to busily prepare for another great year of trips, vacation Bible schools, and camps.  Most animals forage all summer to prepare for the winter, our family preps and plans during these next few months to get ready for a Christ-honoring summer season!

    We wanted to give a brief recap from our final few weeks of summer ministry.  Our family was blessed to speak at Calvary Bible Fellowship in Shamokin PA.  This precious church holds a very special part in our hearts.  They are so loving and missions-minded.  We are thankful to have the opportunity to fill the pulpit there when we can!  We also had multiple opportunities to speak at Locust Valley Bible Church.  This church is currently seeking a pastor.  Please be praying for them as they start a pastoral search.

     Our final major summer ministry was sharing a VBS at Chambersburg Bible Church.  God blessed us with nearly 30 children a night!  Those precious little ones sang, played, had snacks, painted crafts, but most of us all heard the Gospel of Jesus.  We talked with multiple children about Lord.  Pray that the seeds that were planted would take root and grow in their young lives.

     Our kids just started back at Heritage Academy.  Noah is heading into 5th grade, his last year of elementary school!  Maggie is heading into 3rd grade while Titus is entering 1st grade.  They are growing so quickly!!  We are so grateful for a school that has loved our children and helped to train them in a way a child should go.  Please continue to pray for our kids as they pursue the heart of God.  Pray that they would learn the Word and live the Word each day. 

      We have lots of exciting things happening during the next few weeks.  Matt is returning to teach Good News Club in Chambersburg along with teaching youth group on Wednesday nights.  We are currently planning one more trip this fall (see insert).  We will be taking a trip to Welch WV to provide blessing boxes and Thanksgiving.  Look over the insert for more details in regards to how to help with those trips.  Matt has been invited to speak at an IFCA youth conference in Illinois.  He will be flying out on November 4th and will be teaching 250 people from the book of Ecclesiastes.  We have also made contact with a church plant in New York City that desperately needs teams to work with children in their community.  Our family is planning on traveling to New York to do pre-field work.  The Lord has also been steadily filling out our calendar.  We do have two Sundays free in December.  Also, we have some free weeks next summer.  We would love to coordinate a trip for your church!  We would love to share a ministry update with your congregation!  Thank you so much for ‘holding the ropes’ for us.  We couldn’t minister without your regular gifts and prayers! 

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

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Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

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