Monday, May 18, 2020

Robinson's on the Road: April Ministry Report


Churches In Missions  P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331
“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions

Dearest Friends
      God is good (I heard you say, “All the time!”).  Psalm 107:1 says “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.  I wanted to share a few ways God’s goodness has overflowed onto my family.  Our first “give thanks” comes from the ability to still minister in the midst of this pandemic.  I have had the joy of teaching and preaching online this last month.  The Lord opened the door to allow me to preach the month of April at Locust Valley Bible Church’s drive in services.  Tiffanie and Noah sang “Complete in thee” on Easter Sunday.  That day a lady trusted Jesus as her personal Savior!  Praise the Lord!! This precious church has been such a blessing and an encouragement us.
      Another huge “give thanks” is to the Lord and for you our supporters.  We wondered how support would grow when we saw the gears of the economy slowing down and the doors to churches temporally closing.  Most of our meetings evaporated.  We were worried about raising support in one of the worst economic down turns in recent memory but while the economy was tanking God was working.  One of the worst months in our economy became the largest month ever for giving to our ministry!!  WOW!!!  God is faithful!  We still have a long way to go but God greatly reminded us that we are always in His care.
      Yet another big “give thanks” is that we have teamed up with our local rescue mission to provide necessary supplies for them to keep ministering to those that are down and out.  The truly exciting thing is that this gives you, as our supporters, a chance to minister.  The mission needs weekly supplies (a list of supplies are attached to this letter) and collects recyclables for a profit.  We share these needs with you and we are then happy to pick them up (porch pick up) and we will take them to the mission for you.
     Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us?  We are looking for partners who will “hold the ropes” for us as we go forward into mission fields here and beyond.  Will you be one?  Think of that phrase “hold the ropes.”  Imagine someone going over the side of a cliff to rescue someone in danger.  That person needs someone to hold the ropes for them to complete their mission.  You are the ones that hold the ropes.  Through your prayers and financial support we are able to reach people with the Good News of the Gospel, we are able to meet real world needs both here and abroad, we are able to start planning mission trips, coordinate VBS’s, speak at countless summer camps, and lead evangelism training seminars that mobilize churches with an outward focus.  We would love to have you join the team!
Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717
Or give online via      Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

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