Friday, May 29, 2020

Reflections on the Road: Week Nine

Reflections on the Road
Week Nine

"The Plight of the Sheep"

Focus Passage: Psalm 23
Focus Verse: Psalm 23:4
Bible Reading: Luke 13-19

      The valley of the shadow of death comes out of nowhere.  Let's be honest, reading the first three verses gives us the most pleasant and peaceful of pictures, but then out of thin air comes the valley of the shadow of death.  Where did the green pastures go?  Where did the still calm waters go?!  For the first time in the Psalm we are given the image that following the Good Shepherd will not always be easy.  There will be ills and hardships in the sheep's obedience, sheep are not immune to problems or difficulties.  Notice the phrase "valley of the shadow of death."  It's a valley, not a mountain top.  Not all of life will be filled with victory.  You can't merely hit cruise control in life.  We will endure valleys and mountains on our trek following the shepherd.

      The language of the text is poetic, talking about a figurative valley but the application is very real.  There will be very real, scary, perilous situations that assault sheep.  But think about shadows.  Looming shadows can often cause fear and trepidation but shadows cannot hurt.  They can touch us but they cannot harm us.  The shadow in verse four is the shadow of death.  Death will touch us as God's people but it cannot harm us or molest usThe valley of the shadow of death is a place we walk through but it is NOT your end destination.  This valley is not a dead-end nor is it a cul-da-sac.  It has an opening and an ending.  You will walk through it, but you will not stay there!  How can the believer, God's sheep face the thought of death?  By knowing that the Good Shepherd already paid that death for us.  Jesus, the Great Shepherd hung on a cruel cross, shedding His blood, paying a price that we could not for our sin.  The shadow touches us but the full weight of death was laid upon Jesus.  Jesus leads us to a place where He has already gained the victory!  Verse four starts out with a scary tone but even in the midst of this, we can find calm assurance knowing that the Shepherd leads us and makes no mistakes in His leading.

Reflections on the Road:
One day we will be led to the valley of the shadow of death.  If you are a Christian you can face that shadow with confidence knowing that Jesus paid your price.   For the believer life or death is the same for us.  Paul told the Philippians "To live is Christ and to die is gain."  Do you have that confidence or are you filled with doubts?  If you are doubting or fearful of death then run to Jesus the Good Shepherd.  He loves you and wants to save you today!

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