Monday, March 13, 2023

March 2023 Prayer Letter


  “Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Mission Trips”

      He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come see the place where the Lord lay.”  This precious passage in Matthew 28:6 was Titus’ memory verse for school a few weeks ago. I’ve read this verse countless times and have preached on it nearly every Easter, but this passage never loses its power. Christ our Lord didn’t just lay down His life on an old rugged cross but rose with power and life to all who would come and believe. As we enter the Easter season let our eyes fall onto the empty tomb, and let us take every opportunity to invite others to ‘come and see.’  This Easter, be intentional with making Christ known.

       Last month Matt was blessed with an opportunity to take fellow CiM missionaries to Southern West Virginia.  God is growing our outreach ministry in that area and now multiple of our missionaries can lead teams to Welch.  We are grateful for excellent contacts that love Jesus and love their communities. This surveying trip allowed us to prepare for future ministry along with construction projects. Our newest missionary family, the Cooks, were able to tag along for this trip.  Alicia spent HOURS doing the lady's hair at the drug rehab center.  Not only did Alicia do hair, but she also built relationships that we pray will lead to redemption.

      The next few months are filled with ample opportunities to minister.  At the end of this month, we will be traveling to Southern WV to create promotional material for future trips, meet with contractors for future construction jobs, and encourage our ministry partners.  Later that week we will be traveling to Cortland New York to work alongside Pastor Thomas and the Church of Blodget Mills.  This small church was built in 1811 and is one of the last Gospel-preaching churches in the community.  This small, older congregation is eager to meet with CiM to discuss future ministry.  We will also be meeting with a Christian Camp in the Cortland area.  The camp needs staff that would be able to present the Gospel to boys and girls throughout the year.  Our family also has the opportunity to travel to Southern WV again in April with Boonsboro Bible Church.  They will be providing construction, teaching, teaching skills like cooking, and most of all, the hope of the Gospel to ladies at a drug rehab center.  We are also starting to put considerable planning into our multiple VBS ministries and camps.

    As always, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and financial support. It might sound cliché, but we couldn’t do this without you. We never take your gifts and love for granted. Growing our financial support has had many different challenges over the past four years. The first challenge was Covid and the current challenge now is the increase in costs due to inflation. We readjusted our budget from last year and realized that we have a shortfall that we need to make up for. We encourage you to pray over that shortfall. Pray that God would open doors with the multiple new churches we are meeting with. Also, pray that God would help us connect with new individual partners that would team up with us for monthly support for the mission. We are excited to watch God work.

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

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Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson 

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