Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Friend Indeed: July 10th devo

A Friend Indeed

July 10th Devotional

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

 On this day in 1778, King Louis XVI of France declared war on the United kingdom officially aligning his empire with the American colonists. The colonists had long sought for a outspoken Ally in the revolution. In 1776 Ben Franklin visited France and pleaded the case for American independence and the benefit that would come to France. The French were looking for a means of vengeance after losing the seven year war. They were extremely bitter having lost a significant amount of land in North America because of the conflict. Originally the French were quiet and covert in their support, oftentimes smuggling goods into America under different companies names. The Battle of Saratoga, a win for the Continental army and a turning point in the revolution, marked 90% of supplies for the colonial army from the French. Saratoga also proved to the French the likelihood of an American colonial victory. Also aiding France in their decision was a young French military man named Lafayette who joined the Continental army and was highly acclaimed by George Washington. By 1780 the French had supplied Maritime help and thousands of soldiers on the ground, namely Rhode Island and Virginia. The French joining the American cause also brought the Spanish and the Dutch Republic to enter into the fray against Britain. The United kingdom's only European Ally was Hessian mercenaries. It was because of the support of these allies that the colonial forces would be victorious at Yorktown Virginia. The friendship with the colonies was very costly; massive national debt would lead to France's own revolution in the coming years.

During the revolution the newly-formed nation of America desperately needed a reliable friend, and that friend came in France. Friendship is vital in this world, we need people of like-mindedness and similar loves to come along side of us and encourage us and challenge us. Each believer in Jesus Christ should desire to have their life partnered with faithful Friends. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." Truly two are better than one because they are able to labor together for the Lord. If one of them stumbles or falls or falters the other one is there to bear their burdens and carry them if need be. Woe to the believer who is isolated and alone for there will be no friend to dust you off and help you. It is a vital importance that Christians cultivate healthy spiritually strong friendships. If you have a friend in the Lord then thank God and thank them; they are a treasure.

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