Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Churches in Missions March 2022 Prayer Letter

Churches-In Missions 

P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

      Easter is quickly approaching and all our eyes begin to turn away from the woes of this world to the hope that sprung forth from an empty tomb.  Our Savior, Jesus, suffered and died the death that we rightly deserved and rose from the grave promising eternal life to all who believe.  The world needs to hear this message, not just from missionaries but from all of us.  Each of us have been tasked with telling the world the Good News of Jesus.  I pray that you will be investing your lives into the unsaved that surround you during this season.  I pray that you will build relationships that lead to redemption.  I also want to remind each of us that Jesus did not merely come to this world to make bad people good, but instead He came to take dead people and bring them life (dead in our trespasses and sin).

      I wanted to give you a family update. Maggie and Noah competed in a speech meet at school.  They both did FANTASTIC.  Noah was able to recite his poem before the entire school.  Noah has been showing A LOT of interest in drama.  He recently recited a poem at a talent show in Martinsburg and played the part of Jesus in the 4th grade play.  He also participated in his first archery tournament.  Titus has been growing in leaps and bounds.  He is learning how to read and recently lost his first tooth!  Maggie continues to impress us with her artistic talent and caring attitude!

      Our family also enjoyed a week at Myrtle Beach for our CiM personnel meetings.  Our meetings were so encouraging.  The mission loves our family and encourages us to spend as much time together as we can.  We love a mission that helps us to focus on our family.  Our personnel meetings were created to talk about the future of CiM.  We unveiled our new logo, talked about our new website, talked about future ministries opportunities, creating new Bible studies to reach men, and countless other blessings.  My family shared one of our goals for future ministry.  We have been collecting a lot of items recently.  These items help open the door for the Gospel in the communities in which we work.  Needless to say the items have outgrown our ability to house them.  We are asking the Lord to provide us with a large place to store the items.  This will elevate the overflow that we currently have.  We are going to start looking at potential places to rent in the next few weeks.  Maybe you know someone who has a place for us to use or maybe your church has an extra big room that is going unused.  Let us know.  We would LOVE to talk about finding a way to expand and grow our ministry.

      We wanted to thank the MANY different churches who have donated items for our upcoming trips.  We are packing the items during the week of Easter.  We look forward to sharing the Gospel with hundreds of people on that trip.  Pray for good weather and good success from April 22-24th.  We have also been meeting with multiple different churches prepping their teams for upcoming trips.  We rejoice in the many different times we have been blessed to share the ministry!

      We are so thankful for each of your prayers and financial gifts.  We love each and everyone of you.  We are truly humbled by your partnership!  Keep praying for us as we share what God has laid on our hearts.  Also continue to pray for us as we grow our support to expand the work that God has for us.  We are overflowing with excitement to see what God’s going to do!

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via www.churchesinmissions.org      

Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

Check out https://robinsonsroadsidechats.blogspot.com/ for weekly devotionals

Noah's School Play

Titus at Mrytle Beach

Maggie Waving HI!

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