Thursday, May 13, 2021

Churches in Missions: May Update


Churches In Missions  P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331

“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

Our faithful friends,

      Lately our minds have been focused on God’s overwhelming goodness.  A.W Tozer wrote “The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend.”  Our family understood the theology of God’s goodness, but we have ‘experienced’ God’s goodness in a new way since surrendering to missions.  We wanted to invite you to celebrate God’s goodness with us.  We have had two new churches join our team and multiple new supporters.  Because of this influx of new friends we can finally share with you that we have reached our 75% support level!  That means that we are now full-time missionaries with Churches in Missions.  We can draw salary, coordinate trips, and see our ministry expanded for God’s glory.  We aren’t at 100% yet but we have hit a major milestone!


      Another huge moment of celebration was our first trip to Jackson Kentucky to deliver relief supplies and to examine the damage from the flooding.  Pastor Jeff from Hagerstown Bible Church traveled down with Matt to deliver the supplies to the Happy Church.  The flooding occurred in early March.  The water of the local river rose from 2 ½ feet to over 40 feet, making it the second worst flood in Eastern Kentucky.  The flood totaled over 2000 homes and damaged countless more.  Many of the people are displaced and in need of basic necessities and spiritual encouragement.  The flood exasperated an already difficult situation for the people in Jackson.  The nearly $5000 worth of supplies along with thousands of dollars in donations will go a long way to rebuilding the area, reopening major ministry buildings for outreach, and for future Bible Schools!  We are collecting items for another trip which is planned for June.  A huge THANK YOU to each church and person that donated!!


      Our family was blessed with the opportunity to share the Word with our friends at Genesis Fellowship in Marion PA.  This congregation was such an encouragement to us!  Matt is also finishing up his two evangelism classes.  These two classes gave him the chance to share with over sixty students a week on the ‘how’s’ of evangelism.  God has also opened up more ministry doors for the future.  Matt is scheduled to present the mission on a podcast out of Berkeley County West Virginia.  New churches have reached out in regards to us teaming up with them to fill their pulpits and assist while they are going through pastoral transition.


      Before closing we wanted to give a few personal family updates.  Titus has started playing T-ball in Martinsburg.  He enjoys spending time getting his baseball pants dirty.  Matt has become one of the coaches.  He enjoys spending time loving and coaching the boys.  This has provided an opportunity to build redemptive relationships with the parents.  A few weeks back we were able to take a vacation to Pidgeon Forge Tennessee and Mount Airy North Carolina.  This trip was such a blessing.  It provided us with rest, relaxation, and lots of memories filled with laughter.

      We can’t thank you enough for being a part of our team.  We are humbled and grateful for each of your gifts and prayers.  I am in constant awe of the people that God has sown into the tapestry of our life.  We are excited to see what God’s going to do in the future!


Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via      Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

Trip to Pigeon Forge

                                                               Supplies to Jackson Kentucky

Laying new dry wall

Replacing damaged wood from the flood

The Happy Church (Clayhole Kentucky)

Titus and daddy


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