Saturday, June 13, 2020

CIM May Update


Churches In Missions  P.O. Box 1559 Sanford, NC 27331
“Mobilizing the Church Through Short-term Missions”

Blessed friends,

      A famous preacher one time said that God’s power is unleashed when God’s people pray.  My family and I have been encouraged and humbled by your prayers for us these past months.  Your prayers have been much felt as we have continued to minister at Locust Valley Bible Church.  This precious church has been such an incredible blessing.  One of CiM’s missions is to aid churches that are looking for full time pastors by filling their pulpit and assisting them in the process of finding a new pastor.  Churches looking for pastors often panic and make poor choices, feeling the need to make a quick decision. We fill the gap allowing them to be patient as they seek God’s face.  Pray that God would give this church a man that would love them and encourage them.

      Your prayers have also been felt as we have continued a growing work at our rescue mission.  In the past month we have had over a dozen people team up with us to provide physical and spiritual food at the Martinsburg Union Rescue mission!  Because of your unending prayers and support people are hearing the Gospel and getting saved!

      We also look forward to your prayers for future ministry adventures on the horizon.  Due to the pandemic two VBS’s have been canceled along with countless other Sunday engagements.  But not all is lost.  We are scheduled to speak at Frizzelburg Bible Church in Westminster Maryland on June 21st for Father’s Day and we are still are speaking at three weeks of camp in our area, the first being the week of June 22nd.  That week we will be at Good News camp in Waynesboro PA.  We are the camp missionaries and will be teaching Bible classes to young children.  Pray that God would give us the words to share and that the Gospel would reach into tiny little hearts.  We will also be camp missionaries in Fulton County during the week of July 13th and teaching Bible classes at Camp ToHiGlo for their pre-teens during the week of July 20th!  SO EXCITING!

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us?  Missionaries are not islands in an ocean, they need a team, a strong network of people who pray for them and financially support them. A winning team is composed not of one all-star but players who work together in unison to win games.  Many of you have already joined our team and by your partnership you have allowed us to be the hands and the feet of Jesus.  We could NOT do this without you. Without you we would not be able to speak in churches, lead camps and children’s ministries in the tristate area, lead evangelism and discipleship seminars, nor plan missions’ trips in the future that will further the Gospel unto the uttermost part of the earth.  We would love to have you join the team!

Gifts sent to:  P.O. Box 51519 Durham, NC 27717

Or give online via      Designate for Matt & Tiffanie Robinson

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