Thursday, October 3, 2024

What's the Rush: October 6th Devotional

 What's the Rush

James 1:2-3

October 6th Devotional

     On this day in 1960, CBS premiered their newest sitcom, the Andy Griffith Show.  The concept was first pitched on the Danny Thomas Show as a special comedic act featuring Andy Griffith.  The audience reacted so positively that Thomas helped create and direct the new show.   The show focused on the adventures of a widowed sheriff named Andy Taylor who lived in the tiny little town of Mayberry North Carolina.  Living with Andy would be his Aunt Bee and his boy Opie.  Other main characters in the show included the incomparable Don Knotts who played Deputy Barney Fife, Goober and his cousin Gomer, Floyd the Barber, Howard Sprague, Emmett the repairman, Otis the town drunk, Clara Edwards, and my personal favorite, Ernest T. Bass.  Each show opened with the “Fishing Hole” monologue where Andy and Opie head to the lake to do some fishing.   Who can forget the simplistic whistle?  The show would continue for eight seasons, totaling 249 episodes (all of which included Andy), and winning countless awards along the way.  The show was always in the top ten for TV rankings and in its final season it was rated number one.  The show would create a spin-off, Gomer Pyle USMC, and would continue yet another three seasons as Mayberry RFD.  It also went on to produce a made-for-TV movie in 1986.

      My favorite episode is called “Man in a Hurry.”  It follows the story of Malcolm Tucker, a wealthy and important businessman from Charlotte whose car breaks down two miles outside of town.   Mr. Tucker enters the sleepy little burg of Mayberry with high hopes of getting his car fixed quickly only to find out that the town basically shuts down on Sundays.  People take the day off to relax and spend time with family.  Malcolm wasn’t even able to get a phone call out because the Mendlebright sisters would tie up the line all day.  Mr. Tucker was frustrated and fumed trying to get someone to fix his car; he would even exclaim “I want my car fixed now, today, this very minute.”  He struggled with relaxing, he struggled with taking a break, and he struggled with being patient.  I’m reminded of James 1:2-3, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”  Malcom struggled in the face of his trial and his trial proved that he was bankrupt in the department of patience.  Trials often do that.  They put us into the crucible of God to produce godly character.  Trials often touch on how much patience we have, or for some of us, me included, the lack thereof.  None of us like moments that try our endurance, but they are necessary for us to develop spiritual maturity.  Instead of getting anxious and worried maybe we just need to disconnect and simply wait on God.  Mr. Tucker found peace simply sitting on the front porch of Andy’s house peeling an apple.  God invites you onto His front porch to sit down and take your load off.  He invites you in your trial to relax, to rest, and to trust Him.  Don’t allow your patience to be a casualty of life’s pressures.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Beard Tax: September 5th Devotional


The Beard Tax

Matthew 23:23-28

September 5th Devotional

      On this day in 1698 Russian Czar Peter the Great levied a beard tax on his citizens. Peter instituted this tax after touring Western Europe for the previous two years. His travels through Hungary, France, and countless other countries convinced him that Russia was drastically far behind them in regard to culture and fashion. Peter was determined to “Europeanize” Russia. He introduced the tax during his welcome home party. The first victims to fall prey to his petty beard tax were Russian Nobles. Peter had a jester go from bewhiskered man to bewhiskered man. If the man refused to be shaved the jester ‘bopped’ him on the head. Peter felt that the beard was backward and ‘repulsive.’ The cost of the tax varied based on your financial status. Peasants and clergy were exempt from the tax; the clergy because they felt that God created man, and the beard was a part of God’s creation. It was forbidden for Russian Orthodox priests to be clean-shaven. The typical tax varied from 30-100 rubles. When the person paid their tax they were given a ‘beard coin.’ The beard coin had a beard printed on it and gave the bearer the right to have a beard. The men were required to carry it and failure to do so could result in further fines, being arrested, or even being publicly shorn, no matter their financial station. Peter the Great was very serious about the enforcement of this tax. He created checkpoints in and out of cities and hired extra law enforcement officers to make sure the law was being carried out. The goal wasn’t just to eliminate beards but to also change the fashion of Russia as a whole. He demanded the tailors start making clothing in a more ‘modern’ style. These taxes and unjust changes naturally caused quite an opposition in Russia, it even led to a revolution in 1714 where hundreds of people were killed. The beard tax slowly grew out of fashion. It was a financial failure and never changed the Russian culture. It wasn’t officially repealed until 1772.

      Peter the Great wasn’t the only world leader who tried to enact a beard tax; both England and France had tried, all ending in failure. The nation of Yemen had a ‘beard tax’ that charged men for not having a beard. We laugh at such ridiculous rules, and rightly so. But are there ever times when we as Christians enforce things that are not ‘rules’? Are there times when we equate personal preference and conviction with that of Scripture? There is nothing wrong with personal preference and conviction. There isn’t sin in that, but there is when we make it equal with the Word. Jesus spoke very seriously against this error in Matthew 23:23-28. Jesus was addressing the religious leaders who had moved into legalism. Jesus does not mince words as He calls them hypocrites, blind, lawless, dead, negligent, and self-indulgent. In verse twenty seven Jesus says “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” The rules and legalism that they clung to made them look clean on the outside, but their hearts were still dead. That is what legalistic rules achieve, outward conformity without inward transformation. There is nothing inherently wrong with rules or preferences, each of us have them. The problem is when we focus on them instead of the Scripture, or when we ignore the clear things of God for the things of opinion and preference. Let us strive in unity for the Word of God.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Reflections at the Beach: The Rocky Shore


Reflections at the Beach

Week Fifteen 

"The Rocky Shore"

Focus text: Psalm 61

      Walking onto the sandy shore of the beach can one of the most therapeutic things in all the world.  The gentle, salty breeze hits you reminding you to unpack all your worries. The sound of the waves wash away your stress and anxiety. The soft sands is like a giant welcome mat inviting you to dig your toes in or to take a long walk. Almost each beach has that atmosphere, but beaches in the Northeastern part of the United States are unique, and not necessarily in a good way. The shore line of most New England coastal beaches are littered with huge rocks. I looked up why this phenomenon happens but no explanation could cause my feet to find comfort.  Walking the shoreline of Rocky beaches isn't very fun, if anything it's difficult to navigate. You have to take your time and watch each step. 

      Rocky shorelines aren't very fun and make the going more difficult.  The same can be said about life's rocky moments. Those challenging times seem to spring up out of nowhere with little to no notice. They punch you in the gut leaving you reeling wondering what hit you. We would love to remove this detour, we want to take a short cut and simply avoid it all together. But what do we do when God brings us to the valley of this path and asks us to walk through it. Things like cancer, unexpected death, loss of job, divorce, and countless other undesirable experiences leaving us yelling 'anything but this' but God in His providence points His finger toward the unknown and scary. Uncertainty becomes a normal emotion. We don't understand why, we might not get an answer on this side of heaven,  but God simply says trust Him. We aren't sure of the purpose but we know that God is faithful and good. We take the things that we have learned and now we do life. What can we do? How can we keep from drowning in disappointment, discouragement, and darkness? We need to take our eyes off the rocks and focus on the rock. Psalm 61:1-3 says "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy." We believe the background of the psalm is when David was fleeing from his son Absalom. Imagine the uncertainty that plagued him. Imagine the fear that would have invaded his mind. Try to measure the rocky Shore that he had to walk. And yet in the midst of that he turned his eyes onto the rock that was higher than he. May we take the same advice of David as we stop looking at that which is challenging and instead look to the author and the finisher of our faith. 

Reflection for the week

Write down each rock that seems to weigh you down or is besetting you. Strike a line through each of those rocks and write Jesus name beside it. Take your focus and attention off the hard to navigate shore and make Christ the focal point. May He be so big that we can't see the rocks, only the rock!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

A Healthy Sweet: July 9th Devotional

A Healthy Sweet
Psalm 119:103
July 9th Devotional

      Warning; today's day in history will make you hungry and is not supported by any major donut corporation :-) Today's date in history is extremely sweet   :-) It doesn't matter if you are dizzy for Dunkin, crazy for Krispy Kreme, craving Krumpies, or hankering for Home Run we can all agree that donuts have a place not just in our hearts but also in our stomachs. On this day in 1872, John Blondel of Thomastown Maine received a patent for a donut-cutting machine. The spring-loaded device was used to punch out the center hole of the donut. It served as a hole punch for donuts. Donuts were probably introduced to the colonies by the Dutch but they did not receive their now common round shape until the 1840s. While Blondel didn't invent the donut his ingenious invention would dramatically increase the production of this tasty food and much to our delight also increase their consumption.  Who doesn't love a donut? They have captivated our culture and have become a staple in our diet.  Estimates show that Americans eat around 10 billion donuts a year, or about 63 donuts per person, per year!

      While donuts are fantastically delicious they are also extremely bad for our diets. Most things that are sweet or taste good are not particularly good for us. But the Bible speaks about something sweeter than anything else and should be part of our daily consumption. This extremely sweet thing is also beneficial for our life and can be consumed without any negative consequences. Psalm 119:103 says "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" The word of God is sweet to our taste because it provides us with the words of life and direction. It is inspired by God and meant to be read and applied daily. The word of God is not something that we merely carry around, allowing it to collect bulletins from church on Sunday, or collect dust in our home. The word of God, like donuts, is sweetest when ingested. No one enjoys going to Krispy Kreme and watching the donuts made without eating them, nor should we as Christians be content having the word without reading it.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Our Spiritual Superstore: July 2nd Devotional

Our Spiritual Superstore

Philippians 4:19

July 2nd Devotional

      On this day in 1962, Samuel Walton opened his first Walmart store in Rogers Arkansas. Walton was born in 1918 in Kingfisher Oklahoma. Samuel's family were farmers in his youth but due to the difficulty of the great depression and the dust bowl his father was forced to work for farming mortgage and insurance companies. Walton learned the value of work at a young age. Due to the severe suffering of the great depression, Walton would work long hours at a variety of different jobs each day to help his family make ends meet. During his youth, he also became the youngest eagle scout in the state. Walton would later work his way through college at the University of Missouri. Walton excelled both academically and personally. His degree was in economics and he would manage his first store at the age of 26. He would quadruple the value of this store by providing cheaper products and keeping the store shelves stocked. He continued to develop fantastic marketing ability and was extremely competitive with other businesses. He would open up multiple different five-and-dime stores, one of them being in Bentonville Arkansas where the corporate office of Walmart is today. He also owned multiple different Ben Franklin stores. His greatest success though would be Walmart. Originally the Walmart corporate design was to provide American-made products at a cheap price to compete with a foreign market. At one time Samuel Walton was the world's wealthiest man. Over time, Walmart has become the biggest private employer in the world. there are nearly 5,000 Walmarts in the United States, over 11,000 in the world, and over 2.2 million employees.

      Walmart today is known as a One-Stop shop where you can purchase anything you need in one store. Walmart revolutionized the shopping experience by creating super stores that provided a mass variety of different products. It seems that Walmart can provide everything that you need. The Bible speaks about somebody who provides for all of our needs. Paul writes in Philippians 4:19 "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Jesus is literally our spiritual superstore who we can come to about any matter, any time, anywhere. Philippians 4:19 is a promise from God that he will supply for us, that he will take care of us. He does this through the immeasurable riches of his son Jesus Christ. The immeasurable riches do not necessarily refer to the physical but to the spiritual. God takes care of his own in incredible and often jaw-dropping ways. Reflect at this moment on how God has provided for you.

Friday, June 23, 2023

It's a Colorful World: June 25th Devotional

It's a Colorful World
Revelation 21:18-21
June 25th Devotional

      On this day in 1951, the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) showcased the first-ever color tv program. The irony was that it went unnoticed since most people did not have color television at that time. The program was called "Premiere" and featured multiple stars in the entertainment industry. It aired in only five major cities, starting at 4:35 PM, and ran until 5:34 PM. In the year 1950, there was a mad rush between CBS and RCA to create the first-ever color tv. Both sides worked tirelessly to claim the crown of being the first. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) tested both versions and found that CBS's television was superior but multiple problems quickly arose. The first problem was that manufacturers did not want to produce the tv because of the cost to make. The profit margin was minimal and most companies felt that the average person would not spend such an exorbitant price. A color tv was considered an unnecessary luxury. Despite the superior design the tv still would flicker and the final straw was that it was not compatible with black and white tv's. Despite all of this CBS pressed forward with what they called "Operation Rainbow" where they blanketed department stores and storefronts all across the United States. RCA studied CBS's struggle and started to recreate a new design, one that would work with a black and white tv and would be cheaper. By the end of 1953, RCA won the color tv war, far outpacing CBS's model.

      Color television changed the entertainment industry. Each of you reading this probably have multiple different televisions in your home that you spend countless hours in front of each week. People were dazzled to see bright vibrant colors coming through instead of the plain gray, black, and white tones. The human eye can see millions of distinguishable colors but even then we cannot process all colors on the spectrum. The Bible speaks about a place filled with the most amazing colors. Revelation 21:18-21 says " The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. 21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. These beautiful colored stones are inlaid into the walls and as the glory of God shines through the walls it will create the most perfect scene, a huge stained glass effect. The city is called New Jerusalem and it is a gorgeous city for God's people. Unlike the color tv show "Premiere" which was only available to a scant few people the offer to abide in this city is for all people who believe in Jesus Christ.  Have you trusted in Christ as your own personal Savior?

Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Fruitful Father's Day

A Fruitful
 Father's Day

    Wednesday came as any normal Wednesday, a day busy with planning and study, a day in which starts with the best of intentions to knock off most of the checklist only to find the checklist growing as the day goes on. One of my greatest realizations as a pastor is that being organized is important, and a schedule is a must, but be prepared to change your schedule at any given notice. Wednesdays are usually very different though, people respect the fact that I have to study and prepare for the evening lesson, so Wednesday's schedule is fairly set in stone. That is until this past Wednesday; I received a phone call early in the morning from my dad's place of employment. My dad calls pretty often to check up on the baby to see how he is doing, to hear him laugh, etc. Dad asked about the baby and then asked me about my plans for the afternoon. Naturally, I thought that maybe he and my step-mom wanted to come down and have dinner or a late lunch, but instead, Dad simply told me that he was taking off to pick cherries, but only if I was able to come along. My mind raced. I will be completely honest, my dad and I at times have had a very strained relationship, we have gone months without talking (both our faults), and it seemed that during my teenage years, my dad and I distanced ourselves from one another. There was always love there, but that great friendship that existed between a father and son had cooled and became nearly frigid at times. I think this is the case with many father and son relationships, we as men are tough as nails, and non-emotional (or at least that is how we are programmed to be). My dad and I are closer now than ever before, and I credit much of this to me growing up and doing "adult things" like having a house and garden, being married, having a child, etc. Dad and I have a lot more in common, we talk flowers and vegetables, we talk sports and construction projects, and even the best methods to grill, but I honestly couldn't remember a time when Dad and I did something alone like pick cherries, it must have been years, maybe even little league age. I looked at my calendar and what needed to get done that afternoon and I almost told Dad "I'm too busy" but instead I shut the calendar, said this can wait and told my dad that I would be thrilled to go and pick cherries with him. I was honored that my dad would take off work early to spend time with me, just me (not the baby included). Now that might not sound like much to some reading this, but just "male bonding" time with my dad was something foreign, something that was needed. Dad came by around one and we headed to an orchard in our era named Orr's (I highly suggest this orchard). 

     As we drove we talked about life, houses, bills, fruits, trees, etc. We arrived at the orchard and started to pick strawberries and then a tractor picked us up and took us out into the cherry orchard to pick cherries. Together we picked somewhere around thirty pounds of cherries, but something greater than cherries was achieved that day, a bond was fortified. I looked at my father with the greatest of admiration, sadly something that I have failed to do through most of my young life. I always looked at the traits of my dad that I didn't want, but now I notice the traits that I want in my life, and the shock to me is that many of the traits that I want to strive for were at one point and time the traits in which I never wanted! I can honestly say that in that cherry orchard on Wednesday that my dad and I renewed a relationship that hadn't grown the way it should have or at least the way it was intended to grow in Christ. Tears almost came to my eyes as I sat at home and dwelt on it afterward, making me regretful for the hateful things that I said to my dad in my younger fury, for the months of silence, for the lack of respect that I paid unto him. Now I wasn't a horrible son, a matter of fact if you ask my dad he will tell you that I never gave him trouble, but I know in the depths of my heart that I caused that man pain, heartache, and confusion.......but isn't that the case of a man. A man's duty seems to be that of bearing the full weight of the world and yet never showing it, never shedding a tear in front of the public eye, never flinching or showing worry. A man simply says "Everything is ok" when in the depths of his heart he knows it isn't. It is his duty to be the knight in shining armor for his family, it is his duty to protect the family name and the integrity of the family unit. These are all duties of fatherhood that I never fully grasped until holding my little boy. I look deep into Noah's eyes and I see a handsome boy, I see my son. Yes, he does give Tiffanie and I a hard time on occasion, but I look past that and I say he causes me no trouble. The work of a man is a thankless job, a matter of fact a job in which we receive more flack than respect!

     To be a father is to be many things, things like a coach, a hard worker, a provider, a runner, and a fixer of all different things, you have to throw a ball, shot some hoops, you have to give sound advice on subjects that you feel uncomfortable with, and most of all you are called as a dad to be the spiritual leader of your household. What a burden to bear! Personally being a father is one of the greatest tasks God has ever given, but it also bears a tremendous amount of responsibility and a task that can only rely upon the Lord for understanding and wisdom. Fatherhood is the greatest blessing, but it can also cause us the greatest heartache! God also tells us as a father what we need to be doing, Paul in Ephesians 6:4 tells us to raise our children in the fear, training, and admonition of the Lord, WHAT A HEAVY BURDEN TO BEAR! We as dads are called to raise our children in a God-honoring way, without excuse! If God was so gracious to give unto you an heritage (child), then the least we can do is to properly raise that child, to train them up in the way they should go! Proverbs teaches us that if we raise our children properly that they will be life unto us, but beloved if we do not raise our children correctly then we are bound to fail and instead of life being passed down unto them we only pass to them death! Moses was told by God while wandering these words

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

~ Deut. 6:4-9

     Fathers, let me encourage you, be obedient unto the Lord, and teach your children diligently out of God's Word. Teach them how they should live and to whom they are under authority. Use your life as a shining example unto them. Continue to hold fast to the Words of the Bible, be faithful to your Church, support your pastor, pray often, and let your child "catch you" praying or reading the Word! But beyond this, make time for your child, no matter how old they might be. Who knows, a trip to the cherry orchard might change your entire perspective on your father/son relationship!